Class: Ansible::Ruby::Modules::Avi_gslb

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This module is used to configure Gslb object more examples at U(

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Base

#ansible_name, #to_h

Methods inherited from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

attr_option, attr_options, attribute, #initialize, remove_existing_validations, #to_h, validates

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

Instance Method Details

#avi_api_patch_op:add, ...

Returns Patch operation to use when using avi_api_update_method as patch.


  • (:add, :replace, :delete, nil)

    Patch operation to use when using avi_api_update_method as patch.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 21

attribute :avi_api_patch_op

#avi_api_update_method:put, ...

Returns Default method for object update is HTTP PUT.,Setting to patch will override that behavior to use HTTP PATCH.


  • (:put, :patch, nil)

    Default method for object update is HTTP PUT.,Setting to patch will override that behavior to use HTTP PATCH.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 17

attribute :avi_api_update_method


Returns Max retries after which the remote site is treated as a fresh start.,In fresh start all the configs are downloaded.,Allowed values are 1-1024.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 20.


  • (Object, nil)

    Max retries after which the remote site is treated as a fresh start.,In fresh start all the configs are downloaded.,Allowed values are 1-1024.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 20.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 25

attribute :clear_on_max_retries


Returns Group to specify if the client ip addresses are public or private.,Field introduced in 17.1.2.


  • (Object, nil)

    Group to specify if the client ip addresses are public or private.,Field introduced in 17.1.2.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 28

attribute :client_ip_addr_group


Returns User defined description for the object.


  • (Object, nil)

    User defined description for the object.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 31

attribute :description


Returns Sub domain configuration for the gslb.,Gslb service’s fqdn must be a match one of these subdomains.


  • (Object, nil)

    Sub domain configuration for the gslb.,Gslb service’s fqdn must be a match one of these subdomains.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 34

attribute :dns_configs


Returns This field indicates that this object is replicated across gslb federation.,Field introduced in 17.1.3.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as True.


  • (Symbol, nil)

    This field indicates that this object is replicated across gslb federation.,Field introduced in 17.1.3.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as True.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 37

attribute :is_federated


Returns Mark this site as leader of gslb configuration.,This site is the one among the avi sites.


  • (Object)

    Mark this site as leader of gslb configuration.,This site is the one among the avi sites.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 41

attribute :leader_cluster_uuid


Returns This field disables the configuration operations on the leader for all federated objects.,Cud operations on gslb, gslbservice, gslbgeodbprofile and other federated objects will be rejected.,The rest-api disabling helps in upgrade scenarios where we don’t want configuration sync operations to the gslb member when the member is being,upgraded.,This configuration programmatically blocks the leader from accepting new gslb configuration when member sites are undergoing upgrade.,Field introduced in 17.2.1.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as False.


  • (Symbol, nil)

    This field disables the configuration operations on the leader for all federated objects.,Cud operations on gslb, gslbservice, gslbgeodbprofile and other federated objects will be rejected.,The rest-api disabling helps in upgrade scenarios where we don’t want configuration sync operations to the gslb member when the member is being,upgraded.,This configuration programmatically blocks the leader from accepting new gslb configuration when member sites are undergoing upgrade.,Field introduced in 17.2.1.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as False.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 45

attribute :maintenance_mode


Returns Name for the gslb object.


  • (String)

    Name for the gslb object.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 49

attribute :name


Returns Frequency with which group members communicate.,Allowed values are 1-3600.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 15.,Units(SEC).


  • (Object, nil)

    Frequency with which group members communicate.,Allowed values are 1-3600.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 15.,Units(SEC).

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 53

attribute :send_interval


Returns Select avi site member belonging to this gslb.


  • (Object, nil)

    Select avi site member belonging to this gslb.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 56

attribute :sites

#state:absent, ...

Returns The state that should be applied on the entity.


  • (:absent, :present, nil)

    The state that should be applied on the entity.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 13

attribute :state


Returns It is a reference to an object of type tenant.


  • (Object, nil)

    It is a reference to an object of type tenant.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 59

attribute :tenant_ref


Returns Third party site member belonging to this gslb.,Field introduced in 17.1.1.


  • (Object, nil)

    Third party site member belonging to this gslb.,Field introduced in 17.1.1.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 62

attribute :third_party_sites


Returns Avi controller URL of the object.


  • (Object, nil)

    Avi controller URL of the object.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 65

attribute :url


Returns Uuid of the gslb object.


  • (Object, nil)

    Uuid of the gslb object.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 68

attribute :uuid


Returns The view-id is used in change-leader mode to differentiate partitioned groups while they have the same gslb namespace.,Each partitioned group will be able to operate independently by using the view-id.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 0.


  • (Object, nil)

    The view-id is used in change-leader mode to differentiate partitioned groups while they have the same gslb namespace.,Each partitioned group will be able to operate independently by using the view-id.,Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 0.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/avi/avi_gslb.rb', line 71

attribute :view_id