Class: Ansible::Ruby::Modules::Ucs_ip_pool

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Configures IP address pools and blocks of IP addresses on Cisco UCS Manager. Examples can be used with the UCS Platform Emulator U(

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Base

#ansible_name, #to_h

Methods inherited from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

attr_option, attr_options, attribute, #initialize, remove_existing_validations, #to_h, validates

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

Instance Method Details


Returns The default gateway associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.


  • (String, nil)

    The default gateway associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 40

attribute :default_gw


Returns The user-defined description of the IP address pool.,Enter up to 256 characters.,You can use any characters or spaces except the following:,‘ (accent mark), (backslash), ^ (carat), “ (double quote), = (equal sign), > (greater than), < (less than), or ’ (single quote).


  • (Object, nil)

    The user-defined description of the IP address pool.,Enter up to 256 characters.,You can use any characters or spaces except the following:,‘ (accent mark), (backslash), ^ (carat), “ (double quote), = (equal sign), > (greater than), < (less than), or ’ (single quote).

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 21

attribute :descrption


Returns The first IPv4 address in the IPv4 addresses block.,This is the From field in the UCS Manager Add IPv4 Blocks menu.


  • (String, nil)

    The first IPv4 address in the IPv4 addresses block.,This is the From field in the UCS Manager Add IPv4 Blocks menu.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 28

attribute :first_addr


Returns The default gateway associated with the IPv6 addresses in the block.


  • (String, nil)

    The default gateway associated with the IPv6 addresses in the block.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 64

attribute :ipv6_default_gw


Returns The first IPv6 address in the IPv6 addresses block.,This is the From field in the UCS Manager Add IPv6 Blocks menu.


  • (String, nil)

    The first IPv6 address in the IPv6 addresses block.,This is the From field in the UCS Manager Add IPv6 Blocks menu.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 52

attribute :ipv6_first_addr


Returns The last IPv6 address in the IPv6 addresses block.,This is the To field in the UCS Manager Add IPv6 Blocks menu.


  • (String, nil)

    The last IPv6 address in the IPv6 addresses block.,This is the To field in the UCS Manager Add IPv6 Blocks menu.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 56

attribute :ipv6_last_addr


Returns The network address prefix associated with the IPv6 addresses in the block.


  • (String, nil)

    The network address prefix associated with the IPv6 addresses in the block.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 60

attribute :ipv6_prefix


Returns The primary DNS server that this block of IPv6 addresses should access.


  • (String, nil)

    The primary DNS server that this block of IPv6 addresses should access.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 68

attribute :ipv6_primary_dns


Returns The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv6 addresses should access.


  • (String, nil)

    The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv6 addresses should access.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 72

attribute :ipv6_secondary_dns


Returns The last IPv4 address in the IPv4 addresses block.,This is the To field in the UCS Manager Add IPv4 Blocks menu.


  • (String, nil)

    The last IPv4 address in the IPv4 addresses block.,This is the To field in the UCS Manager Add IPv4 Blocks menu.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 32

attribute :last_addr


Returns The name of the IP address pool.,This name can be between 1 and 32 alphanumeric characters.,You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), “_” (underscore), : (colon), and . (period).,You cannot change this name after the IP address pool is created.


  • (String)

    The name of the IP address pool.,This name can be between 1 and 32 alphanumeric characters.,You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), “_” (underscore), : (colon), and . (period).,You cannot change this name after the IP address pool is created.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 17

attribute :name

#order:default, ...

Returns The Assignment Order field.,This can be one of the following:,default - Cisco UCS Manager selects a random identity from the pool.,sequential - Cisco UCS Manager selects the lowest available identity from the pool.


  • (:default, :sequential, nil)

    The Assignment Order field.,This can be one of the following:,default - Cisco UCS Manager selects a random identity from the pool.,sequential - Cisco UCS Manager selects the lowest available identity from the pool.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 24

attribute :order


Returns Org dn (distinguished name).


  • (String, nil)

    Org dn (distinguished name)

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 76

attribute :org_dn


Returns The primary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should access.


  • (String, nil)

    The primary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should access.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 44

attribute :primary_dns


Returns The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should access.


  • (String, nil)

    The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should access.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 48

attribute :secondary_dns

#state:present, ...

Returns If C(present), will verify IP pool is present and will create if needed.,If C(absent), will verify IP pool is absent and will delete if needed.


  • (:present, :absent, nil)

    If C(present), will verify IP pool is present and will create if needed.,If C(absent), will verify IP pool is absent and will delete if needed.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 13

attribute :state


Returns The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.


  • (String, nil)

    The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/remote_management/ucs/ucs_ip_pool.rb', line 36

attribute :subnet_mask