The API.AI ruby wrapper

A simple library that let's any developer automate the training process of a Natural Language Processing Engine on API.AI, and retrieve meaning from new utterances.

To install

Directly from a bash console

gem install api_ai_wrapper

Or in your Gemfile

gem "api_ai_wrapper"

The only gem dependency is http_client to manage HTTP calls to API.AI.

To start things up

The gem is centered around the ApiAiWrapper::Engine model that will be the gateway to all the gem's available endpoints. To make such calls, just instantiate an Engine with the correct developer and client tokens (for training and meaning retrieval) like so (in an initializer for instance) :

$engine ={
  developer_token: "YOUR DEVELOPER TOKEN",
  client_token: "YOUR CLIENT TOKEN"

That's for the basic usage, if you want complete control over your API.AI engine initialization, you might do :

$engine ={
  developer_token: "YOUR DEVELOPER TOKEN",
  client_token: "YOUR CLIENT TOKEN",
  client_timeout: HTTPCLIENT TIMEOUT IN SECONDS (defaults to 50000),
  locale: "YOUR ENGINE REQUIRED LOCALE" (defaults to "en"),
  version: "YOUR PREFERRED API.AI VERSION" (defaults to "20150910")

Because we use HTTPClient for calls, you can override the client_timeout attribute to pick your prefered timeout. As a default, it is set to 50000 seconds.

To actually use the gem

The API.AI API (that's a mouthful) offers two modes : the Training mode and the Query mode.

Training Mode

Included in this gem are all endpoints available in API.AI around entities and intents.

To use them, initializing an engine with the code above (developer_token is required) gives you access to an IntentTrainer and EntityTrainer instances that serve as proxy to call the corresponding endpoints. For example, assuming $engine has been initialized, fetching all entities on a given engine can be done as follows :

  entity_trainer = $engine.entity_trainer
  entities = entity_trainer.get_entities

Posting a new intent can be as easy as that :

  intent_trainer = $engine.intent_trainer
    name: "some-name",
    user_says_data: [
        data: [
            text: "A sample "
            text: "utterance",
            alias: "object",
            meta: "@object"
            text: " for you"
        isTemplate: false,
        count: 0
        data: ...

Endpoints list

All available methods/endpoints are listed in the tables below


Use these methods on intent_trainer = $engine.intent_trainer

Name Arguments Description
get_intents none Retrieves a list of all intents for the agent.
get_intent intent_id Retrieves the specified intent.
post_intent name, user_says_data, options Creates a new intent (options is a hash containing additional info about an intent specified in API.AI documentation).
put_intent intent_id, options Updates the specified intent. (options is a hash containing intent fields to modify)
delete_intent intent_id Deletes the specified entity.


Use these methods on entity_trainer = $engine.entity_trainer

Name Arguments Description
get_entities none Retrieves a list of all entities for the agent.
get_entity entity_id Retrieves the specified entity.
post_entity name, entries Creates a new entity.
post_entity_entries entity_id, entries Adds an array of entity entries to the specified entity.
put_entity entity_id, options Creates or updates multiple entities. (options is a hash containing entity fields to modify)
put_entity_entries entity_id, entries Updates an array of entity entries in the specified entity.
delete_entity entity_id Deletes the specified entity.
delete_entity_entries entity_id, entries Deletes an array of entity entries from the specified entity.

Query mode

After your API.AI engine is properly trained, you can retrieve meaning (intents and entities) from a novel utterance via the query endpoint.

To use is, initializing an engine with the code above (client_token is required) gives you access to a MeaningExtractor instance that serves as proxy to call the query endpoint. Assuming $engine has been initialized, extracting the meaning from a sentence can be done as follows :

  meaning_extractor = $engine.meaning_extractor
  meaning_extractor.post_query("A sample utterance")

This call will return a JSON parsed hash with the utterance meaning returned by API.AI

Name Arguments Description
post_query query, options Takes natural language text and information, returns intent and entity information. (options is a hash containing additional info about an intent specified in API.AI documentation).


ApiAiWrapper::Errors::Engine::MissingTokens error is returned when an ApiAiWrapper::Engine is instantiated without any token.

ApiAiWrapper::Errors::Engine::MissingToken errors are returned when a call is made to entity_trainer, intent_trainer or meaning_extractor but the appropriate token (either developer_token or client_token) has not been defined in the Engine.

ApiAiWrapper::Errors::Engine::ApiError error is returned whenever something goes wrong during a request to API.AI. The error contains a error.message, error.code and error.status identical to the ones returned by API.AI for full transparency.