Apn Server & Library for Ruby
- http://github.com/jnak/apnmachine
I want: - persistent connection to APN Servers (as Apple recommends) - real-time notifications (no regular polling a la Resque) - super easy to use in Ruby and any languages (as easy as enqueuing a serialized JSON hash in Redis) - persist and queue messages when server is down - horizontal scalability and out-of-the-box load-balancing - fast daemons
So I built ApnMachine. We’re running it in production at zapkast.com and find it very reliable.
Remaining Tasks
- Implement feedback service mechanism
- Write real tests
ApnMachine Daemon
To start ApnMachine, tell it where is your redis server and the complete path to your PEM file. That’s it.
Usage: apnmachined [options] --pem /full/path/to/pem
--redis-host bind address (defaults to
address of your redis server
--redis-port port
the port of your redis server (defaults to)
--apn-address server
APN Server (defaults to gateway.push.apple.com)
Use 'sandbox' to connect to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com
--apn-port port of the APN Server
APN server port (defaults to 2195)
--pem pem file path
The PEM encoded private key and certificate.
To export a PEM ecoded file execute
# openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -out cert.pem -nodes -clcerts
--pem-passphrase passphrase
The PEM passphrase to decode key.
Default to nil
usage message
--daemon or -d
Runs process as daemon, not available on Windows
Sending Notifications from Ruby
To send a notification, you just need a working Redis client that responds to rpush. It doesn’t matter if you’re in an EventMachine program or a plain vanilla Rails app.
ApnMachine::Config.port = @a_redis_client
ApnMachine::Config.logger = Rails.logger
notification = ApnMachine::Notification.new
notification.device_token = apns_token
notification.alert =
notification.badge = 1
notification.sound = 'default'
Apnserver is hosted on rubygems
$ gem install apnmachine
Adding apnmachine to your Rails application
gem 'apnmachine'
The MIT License – Copyright © 2012 Julien Nakache Widely Inspired from groupme/em-apn and bpoweski/apnserver