Gem enabling appium support in capybara
Please use v1.4.1
for Capybara 2.x users. v1.5.0
requires Capybara 3.x.
Driver Setup
Set up the appium_capybara driver by running this before starting your test.
require 'appium_capybara'
desired_caps_ios = {
platform: "Mac",
deviceName: "iPhone Simulator",
platformName: "iOS",
platformVersion: "12.4",
app: "full/path/to/"
url = "http://localhost:4723/wd/hub" # or a sauce labs url
Capybara.register_driver(:appium) do |app|
= {
server_url: url
= {
appium_lib: ,
caps: desired_caps_ios
} app,
Capybara.default_driver = :appium
Capybara server
appium_capybara driver automatically starts a Rails server in test
By default Capybara starts this web server listening to localhost only and on a random port. It is advised to force Capybara to listen to all interface and listen to a specific port, and set this server address in your mobile application.
Capybara.server_host = '' # Listen to all interfaces
Capybara.server_port = 56844 # Open port TCP 56844, change at your convenience
Call methods
appium_capybara provides both Capybara methods and appium_lib methods.
capy_driver = Capybara.current_session.driver
# Calls methods defined in Appium::Capybara::Driver and Capybara::Selenium::Driver
capy_driver.find_custom :name, '<enter text>'
# Calls methods defined in only appium_lib (Appium::Driver)
capy_driver.appium_driver.find_element(:name, 'TextFields').click
Publishing to rubygems
Make sure to run thor bump
or manually modify version.rb before publishing. RubyGems will not allow the same
version to be published twice. After the version is bumped, run thor publish
major changelogs
- Support Ruby 3+ only
- Bump base appium_lib version to v12
- Bump base capybara version to over 3.36
- Support Ruby 2.6+