
This gem provides Rake tasks called depends:modified and depends:diff. These Rake tasks automatically compute a list of test cases that need to be re-run based on which source files have been modified. They use AppMap data files, which contain information about test case dependencies on source files, to perform this feat.

appmap_depends depends on an NPM package called @appland/cli, which does most of the heavy lifting of processing AppMap data.

How it works

The Rake tasks depends:modified and depends:diff require Node.js and the NPM package @appland/cli.

Each task looks at which source files have been locally modified. The difference between depends:modified and depends:diff is what source files are considered modified; this difference is described in detail in the next section. The Rake task then scans the AppMaps to figure out which ones are out-of-date with respect to the source files. This is possible since each AppMap contains a classMap, which lists all the source files that are included in the recording. Each AppMap has a source_location field, which identifies the test case file that was run to generate the AppMap. depends prints the list of test case files to standard out.

The depends:modified task looks at which source files have been locally modified. This task is used in local development. Run it as you work with the code.

The depends:diff task looks at source files that are modified relative to a base git branch. This task is used in CI. Run it before running the full test suite, so that the tests which are most likely to fail will be run first. If any of the tests in this batch fail, fail the build until the developer fixes the tests, then run the full test suite.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'appmap_depends'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Defining the Rake tasks

You need to define the Rake tasks. In Rails, this is done by creating a file like lib/tasks/appmap.rake.

In the file, check if appmap_depends is loaded, and then configure the Rake tasks.

namespace :appmap do
  def depends_tasks
    namespace :depends do
      task :modified do
        @appmap_modified_files = AppMap::Depends.modified
        AppMap::Depends.report_list 'Out of date', @appmap_modified_files

      task :diff do
        @appmap_modified_files = AppMap::Depends.diff(base: BASE_BRANCH)
        AppMap::Depends.report_list 'Out of date', @appmap_modified_files

      task :test_file_report do
        @appmap_test_file_report = AppMap::Depends.inspect_test_files

      def run_minitest(test_files)
        raise "RAILS_ENV must be 'test'" unless Rails.env.test?
        $LOAD_PATH << 'test'
        test_files.each do |test_file|
          load test_file
        $ARGV.replace []

        system({ 'RAILS_ENV' => 'test', 'APPMAP' => 'true' }, "bundle exec rspec --format Fuubar #{' ')}")

      task :update_appmaps do

        @appmap_modified_files += @appmap_test_file_report.modified_files

        if @appmap_modified_files.blank?
          warn 'AppMaps are up to date'

        AppMap::Depends.run_tests(@appmap_modified_files) do |test_files|
          warn 'To generate AppMaps, uncomment run_minitest or run_rspec as appropriate for your project'
          # run_minitest(test_files)
          # run_rspec(test_files)

    desc 'Bring AppMaps up to date with local file modifications, and updated derived data such as Swagger files'
    task :modified => [ :'depends:modified', :'depends:test_file_report', :'depends:update_appmaps', :swagger ]

    desc 'Bring AppMaps up to date with file modifications relative to the base branch'
    task :diff, [ :base ] => [ :'depends:diff', :'depends:update_appmaps', :swagger, :'swagger:uptodate' ]

if %w[test development].member?(Rails.env)

  desc 'Bring AppMaps up to date with local file modifications, and updated derived data such as Swagger files'
  task :appmap => :'appmap:depends:modified'

Running in CI

In the CI environment, run the appmap:depends:diff task to compute the list of changed test files, and then run those tests directly using the test command.


This is easy with RSpec, just pipe the modified files to the rspec command:

$ bundle exec rake appmap:depends:diff | tee /dev/tty | xargs env APPMAP=true bundle exec rspec


Minitest doesn't have a "run the tests" command that's analagous to rspec. You can define a Rask task which computes the changed test files and then uses the Rake task Rails::TestUnit::Runner to run the tests.

namespace :appmap
  if %w[test development].member?(Rails.env)
    desc 'Run minitest tests that are modified relative to the base branch'
    task :'test:diff' => :'test:prepare' do
        task =
        # This line is only needed if the base is not 'remotes/origin/main' or 'remotes/origin/master'
        task.base = BASE_BRANCH
        files = task.files
        if Rake.verbose == true
          warn 'Out of date tests:'
          warn files.join(' ')
        $: << "test"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.