
This gem provides a Rake task called swagger that generates Swagger 3 (aka OpenAPI) YAML from AppMap data.

It depends on an NPM package called @appland/appmap-swagger, which does most of the heavy lifting of converting AppMaps to Swagger.

To the NPM package, this gem adds:

  • A Rake task - Normally configured as appmap:swagger.
  • Rails integration - For example, default configuration of the application name.
  • Swagger "diff" - Smart comparison of the current revision Swagger YAML to a base revision.

How it works

The Rake task swagger:

  1. Requires Node.js, and it requires the @appland/appmap-swagger package to be installed from NPM.
  2. Runs the Node.js program appmap-swagger to generate Swagger YAML.
  3. Merges the generated Swagger with a template file.
  4. Applies some sensible defaults for Ruby, and Ruby on Rails.
  5. Outputs two files to the specified directory (default: swagger):
    1. openapi.yaml Full Swagger, including documentation and examples.
    2. openapi_stable.yaml Swagger without documentation and examples, so that it's more stable across versions.

openapi_stable.yaml is ideal for use in code reviews, to see if (and how) web services have been changed.

The Rake task swagger:diff:

  1. Computes a smart "diff" between the current revision Swagger and base revision.
  2. Prints this diff in a user-friendly format, suitable for inclusion in a pull request or issue comment.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'appmap_swagger'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Defining the appmap:swagger Rake task

You need to define the appmap:swagger Rake task. In Rails, this is done by creating a file like lib/tasks/appmap.rake.

In the file, check if AppMap is loaded, and then configure the Rake task. You'll probably want to provide a project name and version. (The default project name is determined from your Rails Application class name and might be fine, actually).

namespace :appmap do
  if defined?(AppMap::Swagger)
    # In a Rails app, add a dependency on the :environment task., [] => [ :environment ]).tap do |task|
      task.project_name = 'My Server API'
      # You may not have a VERSION file. Do what works best for you.
      task.project_version = "v#{, 'VERSION')).strip}"
    end'swagger:diff', [ :base, :swagger_file ]).tap do |task|
      # Default base; can be overridden by the :base task argument
      task.base = 'remotes/origin/main'
      # Default swagger file; can be overridden by the :swagger_file task argument
      task.swagger_file = 'swagger/openapi_stable.yaml'


$ ./bin/rake appmap:swagger:diff
changed       @ info.version
old value     : v0.22.0
new value     : v0.22.1

added         @ paths."/api/api_keys".delete.responses
added key     : 200
added value   : {"content"=>{"application/json"=>{}}}

removed       @ paths."/scenarios/{id}".put.requestBody.content."application/json"
removed key   : mapset
removed value : {"type"=>"string"}

removed       @ paths."/scenarios/{scenario_id}/save_as".post.requestBody.content."application/json"
removed key   : feature
removed value : {"type"=>"string"}

removed       @ paths."/scenarios/{scenario_id}/save_as".post.requestBody.content."application/json"
removed key   : feature_group
removed value : {"type"=>"string"}

Incorporating the Swagger API and UI

Two other gems work great with appmap:swagger: rswag-api and rswag-ui from rswag.

Install in your Gemfile:

# By default, let's not run this in production until we've thought about the implications.
group :test, :development do
  gem 'rswag-api'
  gem 'rswag-ui'

Then run the install commands:

$ rails g rswag:api:install
$ rails g rswag:ui:install

Update routes.rb:

  if defined?(Rswag)
    mount Rswag::Ui::Engine => '/api-docs'
    mount Rswag::Api::Engine => '/api-docs'


After checking out the repo, run bundle to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake gem:release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.