A gem for tracking model changes and controller actions.
USAGE Run ‘rails generate appmospheres_audit:migration’ to generate the migration for the log events. Run ‘rails sappmospheres_audit:config’ to generate a configuration initializer (in config/initializers/appmospheres_audit.rb).
Track models with enable_record_tracking: class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Track actions with enable_action_tracking: class MyController < ApplicationController
The payload of any event log record will be a YAML string. An event log tracking a model will record:
on create: ID of the newly created record
on update: list of changes (keys and values), excluding those explicitely filtered by setting Rails.application.config.filter_parameters and/or AppmospheresAudit.filter_parameters.
on destroy: serialized record, excluding the attributes filtered by setting Rails.application.config.filter_parameters and/or AppmospheresAudit.filter_parameters.
Tracking actions in a controller will create an event log record with the name of the action and the parameters passed to the action, except those filtered by setting Rails.application.config.filter_parameters and/or AppmospheresAudit.filter_parameters.