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  • use webmock + vcr or some alternative strategy for mocking http calls
  • add GET requests for groups, sites, organizations, and pages resources


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

Reference the latest source directly

gem "arcgis-opendata", :git => "git://", require: 'opendata'


gem 'arcgis-opendata', require: 'opendata'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install arcgis-opendata

Local Docs

If you want to generate docs locally you can do so with yardoc

$ bundle

And then:

$ open doc/index.html


$ open doc/Opendata.html

You should be able to use the tabs on the top right corner to pull up a Class List, Method List, and File List.


The main class the gem provides is Opendata::Client, which can be used to query and fetch resources from the ArcGIS Open Data API

Instantiate an Opendata::Client instance

client ='')

You can also instantiate an instance directly from the Opendata module

client ='')

Example Dataset Queries

Search Parameters are JSONAPI compliant. To learn more about the JSONAPI parameters go to their section about fetching data at

Parameters supported for dataset_list

Parameter Type Description Usage
q String query to perform against the datasets resource client#dataset_list(q: 'census')
sort String specifies sort criteria. prepend with a '-' to signify a descending sort client#dataset_list(sort: '-updated_at')
include String comma-separate list of resources to 'side-load' client#dataset_list(include: 'organizations,sites')
fields nested allows the client to specify a subset of attributes to be returned by the API client#dataset_list(fields: { datasets: 'title,url'})
filter nested filter the datasets on filterable attributes client#dataset_list(filter: { content: 'spatial dataset'})
page nested specify paging parameters. client#dataset_list(page: { size: 25, number: 2})

Parameters supported for dataset_show

Parameter Type Description Usage
include String comma-separate list of resources to 'side-load' client#dataset_show(include: 'organizations,sites')
fields nested allows the client to specify a subset of attributes to be returned by the API client#dataset_show(fields: { datasets: 'title,url'})

Make queries for datasets

client ='')

response = client.dataset_list(q: 'census', page: { size: 25}, include: 'organizations')
# => returns a Faraday::Response object

Fetch a single dataset

client ='')

response = client.dataset_show('4df13_11', include: 'organizations,groups')
# => returns a Faraday::Response object

Learn how the parameters turn into request urls

If you're curious about how the parameters you pass to dataset_list and dataset_show are turned into API calls there are public methods that return the urls that would be sent based on the parameters you pass in. I'm a fan of not completely obscuring the underlying web API so thera are built-in public methods to learn how the parameters turn into request urls. Some examples are below.

client ='')

client.dataset_list_url(q: 'census', page: { size: 25 }, include: 'organizations,sites', sort: '-updated_at')
#=> '/api/v2/datasets?q=census&page%5Bsize%5D=25&include=organizations%2Csites&sort=-updated_at'

client.dataset_show_url('5353e1550e964d39b9bdde5ff391ab09_0', include: 'organizations')
#=> '/api/v2/datasets/5353e1550e964d39b9bdde5ff391ab09_0?include=organizations'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. ~~You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.~~ bin/console is currently not working

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in client.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.