Aspose HTML Cloud SDK
AsposeHtml - the Ruby gem for the Aspose.HTML for Cloud API Reference
- API version: 1.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Ruby >= 1.9
- libcurl.dll (
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build aspose_html.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./aspose_html-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./aspose_html-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'aspose_html', '~> 1.0.0'
Load from git
git clone
cd aspose-html-cloud-ruby
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'aspose_html', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'aspose_html'
api_instance = CONFIG
name = "test.html" # String | Document name.
out_format = "png" # String | Resulting image format.
opts = {
width: 800, # Integer | Resulting image width.
height: 1000, # Integer | Resulting image height.
left_margin: 10, # Integer | Left resulting image margin.
right_margin: 10, # Integer | Right resulting image margin.
top_margin: 20, # Integer | Top resulting image margin.
bottom_margin: 20, # Integer | Bottom resulting image margin.
x_resolution: 300, # Integer | Horizontal resolution of resulting image.
y_resolution: 300, # Integer | Vertical resolution of resulting image.
folder: "/", # String | The source document folder.
storage: nil # String | The source document storage.
#Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to the specified image format.
result = api_instance.get_convert_document_to_image(name, out_format, opts)
p result
rescue AsposeHtml::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling HtmlApi->get_convert_document_to_image: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_convert_document_to_image | GET /html/name/convert/image/outFormat | Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to the specified image format. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_convert_document_to_image_by_url | GET /html/convert/image/outFormat | Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to the specified image format. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_convert_document_to_pdf | GET /html/name/convert/pdf | Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to PDF. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_convert_document_to_pdf_by_url | GET /html/convert/pdf | Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to PDF. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_convert_document_to_xps | GET /html/name/convert/xps | Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to XPS. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_convert_document_to_xps_by_url | GET /html/convert/xps | Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to XPS. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | put_convert_document_in_request_to_image | PUT /html/convert/image/outFormat | Converts the HTML document (in request content) to the specified image format and uploads resulting file to storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | put_convert_document_in_request_to_pdf | PUT /html/convert/pdf | Converts the HTML document (in request content) to PDF and uploads resulting file to storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | put_convert_document_in_request_to_xps | PUT /html/convert/xps | Converts the HTML document (in request content) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | put_convert_document_to_image | PUT /html/name/convert/image/outFormat | Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to the specified image format and uploads resulting file to storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | put_convert_document_to_pdf | PUT /html/name/convert/pdf | Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to PDF and uploads resulting file to storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | put_convert_document_to_xps | PUT /html/name/convert/xps | Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document | GET /html/name | Return the HTML document by the name from default or specified storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document_fragment_by_x_path | GET /html/name/fragments/outFormat | Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified XPath query. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document_fragment_by_x_path_by_url | GET /html/fragments/outFormat | Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified XPath query by the source page URL. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document_fragments_by_css_selector | GET /html/name/fragments/css/outFormat | Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified CSS selector. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document_fragments_by_css_selector_by_url | GET /html/fragments/css/outFormat | Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified CSS selector by the source page URL. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document_images | GET /html/name/images/all | Return all HTML document images packaged as a ZIP archive. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_document_images_by_url | GET /html/images/all | Return all HTML page images packaged as a ZIP archive by the source page URL. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_recognize_and_import_to_html | GET /html/name/ocr/import | Recognize text from the image file in the storage and import it to HTML format. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_recognize_and_translate_to_html | GET /html/name/ocr/translate/srcLang/resLang | Recognize text from the image file in the storage, import it to HTML format and translate to specified language. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_translate_document | GET /html/name/translate/srcLang/resLang | Translate the HTML document specified by the name from default or specified storage. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_translate_document_by_url | GET /html/translate/srcLang/resLang | Translate the HTML document from Web specified by its URL. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_detect_html_keywords | GET /html/name/summ/keywords | Get the HTML document keywords using the keyword detection service. |
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi | get_detect_html_keywords_by_url | GET /html/summ/keywords | Get the keywords from HTML document from Web specified by its URL using the keyword detection service |
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL: ""
- Scopes: N/A
Tests contain various examples of using the Aspose.HTML SDK.
Docs Documentation for Aspose.HTML Api SDK
Aspose HTML includes Aspose.Storage.Cloud to manipulate files on a remote server. This is used in tests for download test files to the server.
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | delete_file | DELETE /storage/file | Remove a specific file |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | get_download | GET /storage/file | Download a specific file |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | post_move_file | POST /storage/file | Move a specific file |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | put_create | PUT /storage/file | Upload a specific file |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | delete_folder | DELETE /storage/folder | Remove a specific folder |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | get_list_files | GET /storage/folder | Get the file listing of a specific folder |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | post_move_folder | POST /storage/folder | Move a specific folder |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | put_create_folder | PUT /storage/folder | Create the folder |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | get_disc_usage | GET /storage/disc | Check the disk usage of the current account |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | get_is_exist | GET /storage/exist | Check if a specific file or folder exists |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | get_is_storage_exist | GET /storage/name/exist | Check if storage exists |
AsposeHtml::StorageApi | get_list_file_versions | GET /storage/version | Get the file's versions list |
Documentation for Models
- AsposeHtml::DiscUsage
- AsposeHtml::File
- AsposeHtml::FileExist
- AsposeHtml::SaaSposeResponse
- AsposeHtml::DiscUsageResponse
- AsposeHtml::FileExistResponse
- AsposeHtml::FileVersion
- AsposeHtml::FileVersionsResponse
- AsposeHtml::MoveFileResponse
- AsposeHtml::MoveFolderResponse
- AsposeHtml::RemoveFileResponse
- AsposeHtml::RemoveFolderResponse
- AsposeHtml::StorageExistResponse
Tests contain various examples of using the Aspose.Storage SDK.
Docs Documentation for Aspose.Storage Api SDK