Aspose HTML Cloud SDK

AsposeHtml - the Ruby gem for the Aspose.HTML for Cloud API Reference

  • API version: 1.1
  • Package version: 1.0.0


  • Ruby >= 1.9
  • libcurl.dll (


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build aspose_html.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./aspose_html-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./aspose_html-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'aspose_html', '~> 1.0.0'

Load from git

git clone
cd aspose-html-cloud-ruby

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'aspose_html', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'aspose_html'


api_instance = CONFIG

name = "test.html" # String | Document name.

out_format = "png" # String | Resulting image format.

opts = { 
  width: 800, # Integer | Resulting image width. 
  height: 1000, # Integer | Resulting image height. 
  left_margin: 10, # Integer | Left resulting image margin.
  right_margin: 10, # Integer | Right resulting image margin.
  top_margin: 20, # Integer | Top resulting image margin.
  bottom_margin: 20, # Integer | Bottom resulting image margin.
  x_resolution: 300, # Integer | Horizontal resolution of resulting image.
  y_resolution: 300, # Integer | Vertical resolution of resulting image.
  folder: "/", # String | The source document folder.
  storage: nil # String | The source document storage.

  #Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to the specified image format.
  result = api_instance.get_convert_document_to_image(name, out_format, opts)
  p result
rescue AsposeHtml::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling HtmlApi->get_convert_document_to_image: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_convert_document_to_image GET /html/name/convert/image/outFormat Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to the specified image format.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_convert_document_to_image_by_url GET /html/convert/image/outFormat Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to the specified image format.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_convert_document_to_pdf GET /html/name/convert/pdf Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to PDF.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_convert_document_to_pdf_by_url GET /html/convert/pdf Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to PDF.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_convert_document_to_xps GET /html/name/convert/xps Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to XPS.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_convert_document_to_xps_by_url GET /html/convert/xps Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to XPS.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi put_convert_document_in_request_to_image PUT /html/convert/image/outFormat Converts the HTML document (in request content) to the specified image format and uploads resulting file to storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi put_convert_document_in_request_to_pdf PUT /html/convert/pdf Converts the HTML document (in request content) to PDF and uploads resulting file to storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi put_convert_document_in_request_to_xps PUT /html/convert/xps Converts the HTML document (in request content) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi put_convert_document_to_image PUT /html/name/convert/image/outFormat Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to the specified image format and uploads resulting file to storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi put_convert_document_to_pdf PUT /html/name/convert/pdf Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to PDF and uploads resulting file to storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi put_convert_document_to_xps PUT /html/name/convert/xps Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document GET /html/name Return the HTML document by the name from default or specified storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document_fragment_by_x_path GET /html/name/fragments/outFormat Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified XPath query.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document_fragment_by_x_path_by_url GET /html/fragments/outFormat Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified XPath query by the source page URL.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document_fragments_by_css_selector GET /html/name/fragments/css/outFormat Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified CSS selector.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document_fragments_by_css_selector_by_url GET /html/fragments/css/outFormat Return list of HTML fragments matching the specified CSS selector by the source page URL.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document_images GET /html/name/images/all Return all HTML document images packaged as a ZIP archive.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_document_images_by_url GET /html/images/all Return all HTML page images packaged as a ZIP archive by the source page URL.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_recognize_and_import_to_html GET /html/name/ocr/import Recognize text from the image file in the storage and import it to HTML format.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_recognize_and_translate_to_html GET /html/name/ocr/translate/srcLang/resLang Recognize text from the image file in the storage, import it to HTML format and translate to specified language.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_translate_document GET /html/name/translate/srcLang/resLang Translate the HTML document specified by the name from default or specified storage.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_translate_document_by_url GET /html/translate/srcLang/resLang Translate the HTML document from Web specified by its URL.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_detect_html_keywords GET /html/name/summ/keywords Get the HTML document keywords using the keyword detection service.
AsposeHtml::HtmlApi get_detect_html_keywords_by_url GET /html/summ/keywords Get the keywords from HTML document from Web specified by its URL using the keyword detection service


Tests contain various examples of using the Aspose.HTML SDK.

Docs Documentation for Aspose.HTML Api SDK

Aspose HTML includes Aspose.Storage.Cloud to manipulate files on a remote server. This is used in tests for download test files to the server.

Class Method HTTP request Description
AsposeHtml::StorageApi delete_file DELETE /storage/file Remove a specific file
AsposeHtml::StorageApi get_download GET /storage/file Download a specific file
AsposeHtml::StorageApi post_move_file POST /storage/file Move a specific file
AsposeHtml::StorageApi put_create PUT /storage/file Upload a specific file
AsposeHtml::StorageApi delete_folder DELETE /storage/folder Remove a specific folder
AsposeHtml::StorageApi get_list_files GET /storage/folder Get the file listing of a specific folder
AsposeHtml::StorageApi post_move_folder POST /storage/folder Move a specific folder
AsposeHtml::StorageApi put_create_folder PUT /storage/folder Create the folder
AsposeHtml::StorageApi get_disc_usage GET /storage/disc Check the disk usage of the current account
AsposeHtml::StorageApi get_is_exist GET /storage/exist Check if a specific file or folder exists
AsposeHtml::StorageApi get_is_storage_exist GET /storage/name/exist Check if storage exists
AsposeHtml::StorageApi get_list_file_versions GET /storage/version Get the file's versions list

Documentation for Models

Tests contain various examples of using the Aspose.Storage SDK.

Docs Documentation for Aspose.Storage Api SDK