

association-soft-build gem is deprecated. Please use activerecord_devkit/association_soft_build feature from activerecord-devkit gem instead.'

AssociationSoftBuild extends ActiveRecord to provide the possibility to build an association without affecting to the parent object.

The problem

Lets imagine that we need to render something like this:

.label New Comment
= simple_form_for do |f|
  = f.input :post_id, as: :hidden
  = f.input :body
  = f.submit

.label Existing comments
  - post.comments.each do |comment|
    %li= simple_format(comment.body)

Unfortunately, the native relation's build method will add the new object to parent object's association set. In or case, the blank comment will appear in "Existing comments" list.


AssociationSoftBuild adds the soft_build method to relations, which doing all the same as native build, but not affects to parent object.