
This Gem obtains info about Atlassian product and plugin releases from the and REST APIs.

See also the atlassian_app_upgradereport gem which uses this info to produce Confluence reports.


There are two top-level classes, App instantiated with a product name, and Plugin instantiated with a plugin key (key names are from App and Plugin behave similarly, in that they expose a bunch of properties (call the .keys method to see what's available), have version and versions methods to list their versions, and a set of methods (

Sample API use:

require 'atlassian_app_versions'
include AtlassianAppVersions

# Info about an Atlassian product

conf ="confluence")
conf.latest     # #<AtlassianAppVersions::LatestAppVersion:70118429916620 5.9.10>
conf.version("5.9.10")      # => #<AtlassianAppVersions::LatestAppVersion:70271671608160 5.9.10>
conf.version("5.9.10").version      # => => "5.9.10"
conf.version("5.9.10").releaseDate  # => #<DateTime: 2016-05-05T00:00:00+00:00 ((2457514j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
conf.version("5.9.10").relNotes     # => ""

conf.versions("5.9.1", "5.9.5")     #  => [#<AtlassianAppVersions::ArchivedAppVersion:70118438447880 5.9.5>,
                    #<AtlassianAppVersions::ArchivedAppVersion:70118438447860 5.9.4>,
                    #<AtlassianAppVersions::ArchivedAppVersion:70118438447840 5.9.3>,
                    #<AtlassianAppVersions::ArchivedAppVersion:70118438447820 5.9.2>]
conf.latest.relNotes    # => ""
conf.latest.keys    # => ["description", "zipUrl", "tarUrl", "md5", "size", "released", ...]
conf.latest.zipUrl  # => ""

# JQL for bugs fixed in the latest release
conf.bugsJQL(conf.versions[1], conf.versions[0])    # => "issuetype=Bug AND project=CONF AND fixVersion in (5.9.10) AND status in (Resolved, Closed, Soaking) ORDER BY votes DESC, priority DESC, key DESC"

# Info about an Atlassian plugin

plugin ="de.scandio.confluence.plugins.pocketquery") # => "PocketQuery"
# Available info on the plugin
plugin.keys # => ["downloadCount", "name", "deployment", "deployable", "lastModified", "description",..]

# Available info a specific release
plugin.latest.keys  # => ["supportType", "releaseDate", "deployment", "deployable", "marketplaceType", "compatibilities", "screenshots", "releasedBy", "license", "version", "links", "status", "marketplaceAgreementAccepted", "pluginSystemVersion", "instructions", "autoUpdateAllowed", "compatibleApplications", "stable", "buildNumber", "summary", "addOnType"]

plugin.latest.version # => "2.0.7"


  • Install Ruby 2.3.1 or above (I use ruby-install + chruby). Then: bash gem install bundler git clone https://[email protected]/redradish/atlassian_app_versions.git cd atlassian_app_versions bundle install # Install this gem's deps bundle exec rake install # Install this gem bundle exec rake test # Ensure it's all happy Then try the sample code above in irb or pry.


In the finest tradition of Ruby gems, this gem is a hasty hack thrown together. The code would make experienced Rubyists cry. There is no guarantee of API stability.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.