Reinvention of the C wheel, automatized
The project AutoC ships a collection of Ruby classes related to automagic C source code generation.
Specifically, it provides a means of generating strongly-typed general purpose C data containers (vectors, lists, maps etc.) similar to those provided by the C++'s STL template containers but implemented in pure ANSI C language.
Unlike similar attempts to introduce type-generic data containers to the C language which are typically the macro libraries, the AutoC is an explicit source code generator with 100% of provided functionality is implemented as (inline or extern) C functions making the code explicit, browseable and debuggable.
Install the autoc
Ruby package from RubyGems
gem install autoc
Extract sample documentation
Generate a documentation header auto.h
with reference of what can be provided by the AutoC
ruby -r autoc/scaffold -e docs
Extract the documentation with Doxygen
doxygen .
Explore the rendered HTML documentation starting at html/index.html
Build & run sample project
Create auto code descriptor in Ruby sample.rb
require 'autoc/module'
require 'autoc/hash_set'
AutoC::Module.render(:sample) do |m|
m <<, :int)
Generate C code into sample_auto.[ch]
ruby sample.rb
Create sample C code sample.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sample_auto.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
IntSet set;
IntSetPut(&set, 1);
IntSetPut(&set, 0);
IntSetPut(&set, 1);
IntSetPut(&set, -1);
printf("size = %d\\n", IntSetSize(&set));
for(IntSetRange r = IntSetRangeNew(&set); !IntSetRangeEmpty(&r); IntSetRangePopFront(&r)) {
printf("%d\\n", IntSetRangeTakeFront(&r));
Build sample program
cc -g -o sample sample.c sample_auto.c
Test sample with Valgrind
valgrind sample
Build & run test suite
Generate C test suite into tests_auto.[ch]
ruby -r autoc/scaffold -e tests
Build test suite
cc -g -o tests tests_auto.c
Witness the test suite run time correctness
valgrind tests
Create CMake project from template
Create CMake-powered skeleton project named runme
in the current directory
ruby -r autoc/scaffold -e project runme
Configure the generated project
cmake .
Build the generated project
cmake --build .
Licensing & availability
This code is distributed under terms of the 2-clause BSD LICENSE.
The project's home page is GitHub.
The released ruby gems are published in RubyGems.
The condensed description of the changes is in the CHANGES.
Assorted related stuff
Cheers && happy coding!
Oleg A. Khlybov [email protected]