
Gem Version

A CLI tool to parse a standard format crontab file, create monitors in for each job, and automatically add the necessary curl commands to the original crontab.

It assumes that you are using cronitor's "template" feature to configure notifications for your monitors, and that you have created templates which will then be passed to autocronitor.

Please note, (and therefore autocronitor) do not support "informal" cron expressions such as @hourly or @daily.


autocronitor is available on - if you have that source in your gemrc, you can simply use:

gem install autocronitor

Autocronitor Usage

You can run autocronitor by running the autocronitor command.


Usage: autocronitor [-aft]

Specific options:
    -a, --api-key APIKEY             Your API key
    -f, --filename FILENAME          The cron files to read

Email Options: 
    -t, --templace *TEMPLATES        The templates to send alerts for this monitor to

Text to exclude: 
    -c, --common-text *COMMONTEXT    A space separated list of common text to exclude from cron names
    -i, --common-include-text *COMMONINCLUDETEXT
                                     A space separated list of common text to exclude from cron names (includes strings which contain each phrase)
  • Mandatory Parameters (you must specify one or the other)

    • -a, --api-key APIKEY Your API key
    • -f, --filename FILENAME The crontab files to read
  • Optional Parameters

    • -t, --templace *TEMPLATES The template(s) to use for notifications. If not provided Cronitor will default to using the email address of your account to send notifications.
    • -c, --common-text *COMMONTEXT A space separated list of common text to exclude from cron names
    • -i, --common-include-text *COMMONINCLUDETEXT A space separated list of common text to exclude from cron names (includes strings which contain each phrase)


$> autocronitor -a abcdef123456 -f test.conf -t mydefault-template

Processing file test.conf

Cron expression: 10 * * * *
Cron name: testcron
Creating monitor testcron...
Monitor 'testcron' created with ID abc123

Writing new test.conf with added Cronitor URLs...