Autopilot Rails

⚠️ This project is still a WIP. It currently works with a limited set of features.

Ship your next SaaS product in hours, not days or weeks.

This gem will help you to scaffold your next project. Currently it will add:

  • Users with authentication via Devise
  • Accounts with devise_invitable
  • Super admin area with ActiveAdmin
  • Default routes and pages

More features coming soon:

  • User roles & permissions
  • Stripe billing with optional annual plans
  • Feature flipper for super admins
  • UI themes


To install Autopilot, simply add the gem to your Gemfile: gem 'autopilot', git: ''


To generate a project run rails generate autopilot:go to get started. The generator will ask a few questions to customize the output.

Option Description
Do you want to have multiple users per account? This will add an Account model, some account related helpers, and Devise Invitable. You will also get a account/users page with a list of users and the invite form.
Do you want to include ActiveAdmin? This will install ActiveAdmin with a few extra features like "Log in as user" and an account growth chart.
Do you want to include a home page? This will add a blank html page and set it as your unauthenticated root path. When set to false your log in page will be the root.

Starting from scratch

Here are some instructions to help you start a Rails app from scratch: