
Add watch_gems option to watch all required gems. The default is now to only watch .rb files in the current working directory.


  • Add :watch_gems option.
  • Watch current working directory only, as default.


This release is simply a maintenance release to bring the build configuration up to date.


  • Modernize build configuration.
  • Use interpolation on error message.

1.0.0 (2011-07-16)

This release overhauls the API. The #autoreload method now takes a block. All libraries required within this block will be autoreloaded. The old API will raise an error!!! This was done to simplify the overaul design of the library and consequently make it much more efficient, but also to fix a rather nasty bug that prevented scripts required by other scripts that were to be autoreloaded from autoreloading as well.

The new design rely's solely on $LOADED_FEATURES, rather than looking up files on the $LOAD_PATH itself. This has an important consequence for Ruby 1.8 or older. Becuase older version of Ruby do not put the expanded path in $LOADED_FEATURES, autoreloading occurs regardless of whether the file has changed or not. On Ruby 1.9+ however, where the full path is available, the file will only be reloaded if it has changed, it does this by checking the mtime of the file.


  • Overhaul API to use block form.
  • Remove Lookup module (no longer needed).
  • Fix require of require issue.

0.3.1 (2011-05-15)

This release simply fixes licensing issues. Autoreload is licensed under the GPL v3.

0.3.0 (2010-10-14)


  • Fix issue with looking up Roller libraries.
  • Switch testing framework to RSpec2.

0.2.0 (2010-05-10)


  • Completely reworked API.

0.1.0 (2010-05-01)


  • Same as original, but now a RubyWorks project.

0.0.1 (2007-07-01)


  • Initial release