Module: Aws::ElastiCache::Errors
- Extended by:
- Aws::Errors::DynamicErrors
- Defined in:
- lib/aws-sdk-elasticache/errors.rb
When ElastiCache returns an error response, the Ruby SDK constructs and raises an error. These errors all extend Aws::ElastiCache::Errors::ServiceError < Aws::Errors::ServiceError
You can rescue all ElastiCache errors using ServiceError:
# do stuff
rescue Aws::ElastiCache::Errors::ServiceError
# rescues all ElastiCache API errors
## Request Context ServiceError objects have a #context method that returns information about the request that generated the error. See Seahorse::Client::RequestContext for more information.
## Error Classes
* This error class is not used. `APICallRateForCustomerExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `AuthorizationAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `AuthorizationNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheClusterAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheClusterNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheParameterGroupAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheParameterGroupNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheParameterGroupQuotaExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheSecurityGroupAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheSecurityGroupNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `QuotaExceeded.CacheSecurityGroup` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheSubnetGroupAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CacheSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DefaultUserAssociatedToUserGroup` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DuplicateUserName` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InsufficientCacheClusterCapacity` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidARN` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidCacheClusterState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidCacheParameterGroupState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidCacheSecurityGroupState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidGlobalReplicationGroupState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidParameterCombination` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidParameterValue` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidReplicationGroupState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidSnapshotState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidUserGroupState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidUserState` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `NodeGroupsPerReplicationGroupQuotaExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `NodeQuotaForClusterExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `NodeQuotaForCustomerExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ReplicationGroupAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ReservedCacheNodeAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ReservedCacheNodeNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ReservedCacheNodeQuotaExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ReservedCacheNodesOfferingNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TagNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UserAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UserGroupAlreadyExists` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UserGroupNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UserGroupQuotaExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UserNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UserQuotaExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
Additionally, error classes are dynamically generated for service errors based on the error code if they are not defined above. Some existing error classes may use a different class name than the one documented.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: APICallRateForCustomerExceededFault, AuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault, AuthorizationNotFoundFault, CacheClusterAlreadyExistsFault, CacheClusterNotFoundFault, CacheParameterGroupAlreadyExistsFault, CacheParameterGroupNotFoundFault, CacheParameterGroupQuotaExceededFault, CacheSecurityGroupAlreadyExistsFault, CacheSecurityGroupNotFoundFault, CacheSecurityGroupQuotaExceededFault, CacheSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsFault, CacheSubnetGroupInUse, CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault, CacheSubnetGroupQuotaExceededFault, CacheSubnetQuotaExceededFault, ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceededFault, DefaultUserAssociatedToUserGroupFault, DefaultUserRequired, DuplicateUserNameFault, GlobalReplicationGroupAlreadyExistsFault, GlobalReplicationGroupNotFoundFault, InsufficientCacheClusterCapacityFault, InvalidARNFault, InvalidCacheClusterStateFault, InvalidCacheParameterGroupStateFault, InvalidCacheSecurityGroupStateFault, InvalidCredentialsException, InvalidGlobalReplicationGroupStateFault, InvalidKMSKeyFault, InvalidParameterCombinationException, InvalidParameterValueException, InvalidReplicationGroupStateFault, InvalidServerlessCacheSnapshotStateFault, InvalidServerlessCacheStateFault, InvalidSnapshotStateFault, InvalidSubnet, InvalidUserGroupStateFault, InvalidUserStateFault, InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault, NoOperationFault, NodeGroupNotFoundFault, NodeGroupsPerReplicationGroupQuotaExceededFault, NodeQuotaForClusterExceededFault, NodeQuotaForCustomerExceededFault, ReplicationGroupAlreadyExistsFault, ReplicationGroupAlreadyUnderMigrationFault, ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault, ReplicationGroupNotUnderMigrationFault, ReservedCacheNodeAlreadyExistsFault, ReservedCacheNodeNotFoundFault, ReservedCacheNodeQuotaExceededFault, ReservedCacheNodesOfferingNotFoundFault, ServerlessCacheAlreadyExistsFault, ServerlessCacheNotFoundFault, ServerlessCacheQuotaForCustomerExceededFault, ServerlessCacheSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault, ServerlessCacheSnapshotNotFoundFault, ServerlessCacheSnapshotQuotaExceededFault, ServiceLinkedRoleNotFoundFault, ServiceUpdateNotFoundFault, SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault, SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault, SnapshotNotFoundFault, SnapshotQuotaExceededFault, SubnetInUse, SubnetNotAllowedFault, TagNotFoundFault, TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded, TestFailoverNotAvailableFault, UserAlreadyExistsFault, UserGroupAlreadyExistsFault, UserGroupNotFoundFault, UserGroupQuotaExceededFault, UserNotFoundFault, UserQuotaExceededFault