Module: Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Errors
- Extended by:
- Aws::Errors::DynamicErrors
- Defined in:
- lib/aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2/errors.rb
When ElasticLoadBalancingV2 returns an error response, the Ruby SDK constructs and raises an error. These errors all extend Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Errors::ServiceError < Aws::Errors::ServiceError
You can rescue all ElasticLoadBalancingV2 errors using ServiceError:
# do stuff
rescue Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Errors::ServiceError
# rescues all ElasticLoadBalancingV2 API errors
## Request Context ServiceError objects have a #context method that returns information about the request that generated the error. See Seahorse::Client::RequestContext for more information.
## Error Classes
* This error class is not used. `ALPNPolicyNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `AllocationIdNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `AvailabilityZoneNotSupported` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CaCertificatesBundleNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CapacityDecreaseRequestLimitExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CapacityReservationPending` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CapacityUnitsLimitExceeded` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `CertificateNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DeleteAssociationSameAccount` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DuplicateListener` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DuplicateLoadBalancerName` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DuplicateTagKeys` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DuplicateTargetGroupName` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `DuplicateTrustStoreName` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `HealthUnavailable` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `IncompatibleProtocols` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InsufficientCapacity` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidCaCertificatesBundle` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidConfigurationRequest` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidLoadBalancerAction` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidRevocationContent` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidScheme` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidSecurityGroup` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidSubnet` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `InvalidTarget` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ListenerNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `LoadBalancerNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `OperationNotPermitted` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `PriorRequestNotComplete` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `PriorityInUse` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ResourceInUse` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `ResourceNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `RevocationContentNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `RevocationIdNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `RuleNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `SSLPolicyNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `SubnetNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TargetGroupAssociationLimit` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TargetGroupNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyActions` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyCertificates` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyListeners` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyLoadBalancers` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyRegistrationsForTargetId` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyRules` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyTags` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyTargetGroups` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyTargets` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyTrustStoreRevocationEntries` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyTrustStores` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TooManyUniqueTargetGroupsPerLoadBalancer` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `AssociationNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TrustStoreInUse` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TrustStoreNotFound` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `TrustStoreNotReady` is used during parsing instead.
* This error class is not used. `UnsupportedProtocol` is used during parsing instead.
Additionally, error classes are dynamically generated for service errors based on the error code if they are not defined above. Some existing error classes may use a different class name than the one documented.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: ALPNPolicyNotSupportedException, AllocationIdNotFoundException, AvailabilityZoneNotSupportedException, CaCertificatesBundleNotFoundException, CapacityDecreaseRequestsLimitExceededException, CapacityReservationPendingException, CapacityUnitsLimitExceededException, CertificateNotFoundException, DeleteAssociationSameAccountException, DuplicateListenerException, DuplicateLoadBalancerNameException, DuplicateTagKeysException, DuplicateTargetGroupNameException, DuplicateTrustStoreNameException, HealthUnavailableException, IncompatibleProtocolsException, InsufficientCapacityException, InvalidCaCertificatesBundleException, InvalidConfigurationRequestException, InvalidLoadBalancerActionException, InvalidRevocationContentException, InvalidSchemeException, InvalidSecurityGroupException, InvalidSubnetException, InvalidTargetException, ListenerNotFoundException, LoadBalancerNotFoundException, OperationNotPermittedException, PriorRequestNotCompleteException, PriorityInUseException, ResourceInUseException, ResourceNotFoundException, RevocationContentNotFoundException, RevocationIdNotFoundException, RuleNotFoundException, SSLPolicyNotFoundException, SubnetNotFoundException, TargetGroupAssociationLimitException, TargetGroupNotFoundException, TooManyActionsException, TooManyCertificatesException, TooManyListenersException, TooManyLoadBalancersException, TooManyRegistrationsForTargetIdException, TooManyRulesException, TooManyTagsException, TooManyTargetGroupsException, TooManyTargetsException, TooManyTrustStoreRevocationEntriesException, TooManyTrustStoresException, TooManyUniqueTargetGroupsPerLoadBalancerException, TrustStoreAssociationNotFoundException, TrustStoreInUseException, TrustStoreNotFoundException, TrustStoreNotReadyException, UnsupportedProtocolException