The axe-core-rspec
gem provides a custom matchers BeAxeClean
, which can be instantiated using the be_axe_clean
helper method.
See a list of RSpec built-in matchers
- In your Gemfile, add the
“mfile source “”
gem ‘axe-core-rspec’
- Simply requrire
which extendsRSpec
with the custom matcherBeAxeClean
“b require ‘axe-rspec’
- Use with webdriver of choice.
To construct an axe accessibility RSpec check, begin with expect(page).to be_axe_clean
, and append any clauses necessary, where page
object is provided by the webdriver of choice.
Clauses are chainable methods for the be_axe_clean
custom matcher.Configurable clauses allows for greater granularity with testing and expectaions.
- Inclusion clause
The inclusion clause within '#selector'
specifies which elements of the page should be checked. A valid CSS selector must be provided. Within accepts a single selector, an array of selectors, or a hash describing iframes with selectors.
see additional context parameter documentation
Simple selector
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within ‘#selector1’
Compound selector
Include all elements with the class ‘selector2’ inside the element with id ‘selector1’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within ‘#selector1 .selector2’
Multiple selectors
Include the element with id ‘selector1’ and all elements with class ‘selector2’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within ‘#selector1’, ‘.selector2’
IFrame selector
Include the element with id ‘selector1’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame1’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within iframe: ‘#frame1’, selector: ‘#selector1’
Multiple IFrame selectors
Include the element with id ‘selector1’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame1’
Include the element with id ‘selector2’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame2’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within( ‘#frame1’, selector: ‘#selector1’, ‘#frame2’, selector: ‘#selector2’ )
Simple selectors and IFrame selector
Include the element with id ‘selector1’ and all elements with class ‘selector2’
Include the element with id ‘selector3’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within ‘#selector1’, ‘.selector2’, iframe: ‘#frame’, selector: ‘#selector3’
Nested IFrame selectors
Include the element selector1 inside the IFrame with id ‘frame2’,
inside the IFrame with id ‘frame1’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within(iframe: ‘#frame1’, selector: ‘#frame2’, selector: ‘#selector1’ )
- Exclusion clause
The exclusion clause excluding '#selector'
specifies which elements of the document should be ignored. A valid CSS selector must be provided. Excluding accepts a single selector, an array of selectors, or a hash describing iframes with selectors.
see additional context parameter documentation
Simple selector
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding ‘#selector1’
Compound selector
Exclude all elements with the class ‘selector2’ inside the element with id ‘selector1’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding ‘#selector1 .selector2’
Multiple selectors
Exclude the element with id ‘selector1’ and all elements with class ‘selector2’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding ‘#selector1’, ‘.selector2’
IFrame selector
Exclude the element with id ‘selector1’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame1’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding iframe: ‘#frame1’, selector: ‘#selector1’
Multiple IFrame selectors
Exclude the element with id ‘selector1’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame1’
Exclude the element with id ‘selector2’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame2’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding( ‘#frame1’, selector: ‘#selector1’, ‘#frame2’, selector: ‘#selector2’ )
Simple selectors with IFrame selector
Exclude the element with id ‘selector1’ and all elements with class ‘selector2’
Exclude the element with id ‘selector3’ inside the IFrame with id ‘frame’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding ‘#selector1’, ‘.selector2’, iframe: ‘#frame’, selector: ‘#selector3’
Nested IFrame selectors
Exclude the element selector1 inside the IFrame with id ‘frame2’,
inside the IFrame with id ‘frame1’
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding(iframe: ‘#frame1’, selector: ‘#frame2’, selector: ‘#selector1’ )
- Accessibility Standard (Tag) clause
The tag clause specifies which accessibility standard (or standards) should be used to check the page. The accessibility standards are specified by name (tag). According to accepts a single tag, or an array of tags.
The acceptable tag names are documented as well as a complete listing of rules that correspond to each tag.
Single standard
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.according_to :wcag2a
Multiple standards
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.according_to :wcag2a, :section508
- Checking Rules clause
The checking-rules clause specifies which additional rules to check (in addition to the specified tags, if any, or the default ruleset). Checking accepts a single rule, or an array of rules.
see rules documentation for a list of valid rule IDs
Checking a single rule
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.checking :label
Checking multiple rules
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.checking :label, :tabindex
Example specifying an additional best practice rule in addition to all rules in the WCAG2A standard
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.according_to(:wcag2a).checking(:tabindex)
- Exclusive Rules clause
The checking only rules clause specifies which rules to exclusively check. Using this matcher excludes all rules outside of the list.
Checking a single rule
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.checking_only :label
Checking multiple rules
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.checking_only :label, :tabindex
- Skipping Rules clause
The skipping-rules clause specifies which rules to skip. This allows an accessibility standard to be provided (via the tag clause) while ignoring a particular rule. The rules are specified by comma-separated rule IDs.
see rules documentation for a list of valid rule IDs
Skipping a single rule
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.skipping :label
Skipping multiple rules
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.skipping :label, :tabindex
Example specifying an additional best practice rule in addition to all rules in the WCAG2A standard
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.according_to(:wcag2a).skipping(:label)
Interoperability between clauses
All of the described clauses may be mixed and matched with method chaining. Below are some examples.
“ expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within(‘.main’, ‘.header’).excluding(‘.footer’)
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.excluding(‘#sidebar’).according_to(:wcag2a, :wcag2aa).skipping(‘color-contrast’)
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.within(‘.main’).checking_only ‘document-title’, :label
expect(page).to be_axe_clean.according_to(:best-practice).checking(:aria-roles, ‘definition-list’)