AYLIEN Text API (Ruby)

Gem Version

This is the Ruby client library for AYLIEN's APIs. If you haven't already done so, you will need to sign up.


gem install aylien_text_api

See the Developers Guide for additional documentation.


Aylien Text API needs app_id and app_key which you can get it from Text API website.

You can pass configuration options as a block to AylienTextApi.configure.

require 'aylien_text_api'

AylienTextApi.configure do |config|
  config.app_id        =    "YOUR_APP_ID"
  config.app_key       =    "YOUR_APP_KEY"
client = AylienTextApi::Client.new

or pass them as parameters to AylienTextApi::Client class.

require 'aylien_text_api'

client = AylienTextApi::Client.new(app_id: "YOUR APP ID", app_key: "YOUR APP KEY")


After configuring a client, you can do the following things:

client.extract url: "http://techcrunch.com/2014/02/27/aylien-launches-text-analysis-api-to-help-developers-extract-meaning-from-documents/"

# => {
#  :title=>"Aylien Launches Text-Analysis API To Help Developers...",
#  :article=>"Working with text is often a messy business for...",
#  :image=>"", :author=>"Frederic Lardinois", :videos=>[],
#  :feeds=>["http://techcrunch.com/2014/02/27/aylien-...
#  }

If any errors happen during the call, nil will be returned. If destructive methods are used, an exception corresponding to the error will be returned.

client.classify! url: "http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/25912393"
# => {:text=>"Lionel Messi: Forward is not for sale, says...,
# :language=>"en",
# :categories=>[{:label=>"sport - soccer", :code=>"15054000", :confidence=>1.0}]
# }

Third Party Libraries and Dependencies

For development you will also need the following libraries:

  • rake
  • minitest
  • vcr
  • webmock

To install the dependencies, make sure you have bundle installed, then run bundle install --path=vendor/bundle. Then, run bundle exec rake test to run tests.