Azure Developer CLI generators Ruby Gem

:warning: Work in progress! Issues or PR are welcome!

This Gem simplies integrating and using Azure Developer CLI (azd) in your ruby projects. For now it works only with Ruby on Rails and is built as a Rails Generator.


Add the Gem to your Gemfile with Bundler:

bundle add azd --group development

Alternatively, you can also add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem "azd", "~> 0.9.1"

In your Rails application directory run:

bin/rails generate azd:install

This will add the following to your application:

  • azure.yaml: azd's configuration file.
  • infra: a directory containing Bicep templates to provision the infrastructure.

Azure Developer CLI (azd) in a nutshell

Azure Developer CLI (azd) is a command line interface built on top of Azure CLI (az) that simplifies the process of building, provisioning and deploying applications to Azure.

It offers a streamlined workflow for Azure development, enabling faster and more efficient development cycles.


  • Add MySQL as a target database
  • Add Redis for caching and messaging
  • Add other types of Ruby applications
  • Allow for Terraform templates?
  • Let us know what would be most interesting to you by opening an Issue!