
Define your collection, job, and callbacks all in one clear and concise object

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'batch_processor'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install batch_processor

Getting Started

BatchProcessor comes with some nice rails generators. You are encouraged to use them!

$ rails g batch_processor foo
  invoke  rspec
  create    spec/batches/foo_batch_spec.rb
  create  app/batches/foo_batch.rb

What is BatchProcessor?

BatchProcessor is a framework for the sequential or parallel processing of jobs in Ruby on Rails.

BatchProcessor helps monitor, control, and orchestrate the work done by ActiveJob.

💁‍ This requires Redis and a properly configured ActiveJob queue adapter (like Sidekiq).

How It Works


There are three key concepts to distinguish here: Batches, Processors, and Jobs.


A Batch defines, controls, and monitors the processing of a collection of items with an ActiveJob.

All Batches should be named with the Batch suffix (ex: FooBatch).

class PodSprintCalculationBatch < ApplicationBatch
  set_callback(:batch_started, :before) { raise CalculationsNotRunning unless Calculator.busy? }

  on_batch_finished { Calculator.done! }

  class Collection < BatchCollection
    argument :sprint, allow_nil: false
    option :recalculate, default: false

    def items
      recalculate ? items_for_recalculation : items_for_calculation

    def items_for_calculation

    def items_for_recalculation

A batch is a synthesis of four concepts: a Collection, an ActiveJob, granular Details, a summary Status, and some Callbacks.


A Collection takes input to validate and build a (possibly ordered) list of items to process with the Batch's job.

Batches accept a unique identifier and input representing the arguments and options which define it's collection.

batch_id = SecureRandom.hex
PodSprintCalculationBatch.process(batch_id: batch_id, sprint: Sprint.last)

You can supply any unique value you want for a batch_id:

attempt_number = 1
current_date =
batch_id = "daily-charge-batch:#{current_date}:#{attempt_number}"

ChargeBatch.process(batch_id: batch_id, date: current_date)

Which you can then pass to ApplicationBatch.find to load:

batch = ApplicationBatch.find("daily-charge-batch:#{}:1") # => ChargeBatch
batch.batch_id # => "daily-charge-batch:2019-07-25:1"

If you do not specify a batch_id one will be randomly generated.

batch = ChargeBatch.process(date:
batch.batch_id # => XP-f-G23bNFwww

A collection accepts input represented by arguments and options which initialize it.

Arguments describe input required to define the initial state.

If any arguments are missing, an ArgumentError is raised.

class ExampleJob < BatchProcessor::BatchJob
  def perform(arg)
    "OK #{arg}"

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  class Collection < BatchCollection
    argument :foo
    argument :bar

    def items
      [ foo, bar ]

ExampleBatch.process # => ArgumentError (Missing arguments: foo, bar)
ExampleBatch.process(foo: "foo") # => ArgumentError (Missing argument: bar)
ExampleBatch.process(foo: "foo", bar: "bar") # => #<ExampleBatch batch_id="XPf--GzdbRLyww">

By default, nil is a valid argument:

ExampleBatch.process(foo: nil, bar: nil) # => #<ExampleBatch batch_id="f-GzXP-dbn3yxw">

If you want to require a non-nil value for your argument, set the allow_nil option (true by default):

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  class Collection < BatchCollection
    argument :foo
    argument :bar, allow_nil: false

    def items
      [ foo, bar ]

ExampleBatch.process(foo: nil, bar: nil) # => ArgumentError (Missing argument: bar)

Options describe input which may be provided to define or override the initial state.

Options can optionally define a default value.

If no default is specified, the value will be nil.

If the default value is static, it can be specified in the class definition.

If the default value is dynamic, you may provide a block to compute the default value.

⚠️‍ Heads Up: The default value blocks DO NOT provide access to the state or its other variables!

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  class Collection < BatchCollection
    option :attribution_source
    option :favorite_foods, default: %w[pizza ice_cream gluten]
    option(:favorite_color) { SecureRandom.hex(3) }

    def items
      [ attribution_source, favorite_foods, favorite_color ]

batch = ExampleBatch.process(favorite_foods: %w[avocado hummus nutritional_yeast])
collection = batch.collection

collection.attribution_source # => nil
collection.favorite_color # => "1a1f1e"
collection.favorite_foods # => ["avocado", "hummus" ,"nutritional_yeast"]

Collections are ActiveModels which means they have access to ActiveModel::Validations.

It is considered a best practice to write validations in your collections.

Batches which have an invalid collection will NOT start and therefore will not process any Jobs, so it is inherently the safest and clearest way to proactively communicate about missed expectations.

💁‍ Pro Tip: There is a process! method on Batches that will raise any errors (which are normally silenced). Invalid states are one such example!

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  class Collection < BatchCollection
    argument :first_name

    validates :first_name, length: { minimum: 2 }

    def items
      [ first_name ]

ExampleBatch.process!(first_name: "a") # => raises BatchProcessor::CollectionInvalidError

batch = ExampleBatch.process(first_name: "a")
batch.started? # => false
batch.collection_valid? # => false
batch.collection.errors.messages # => {:first_name=>["is too short (minimum is 2 characters)"]}


When .process is called on a Batch, .execute is called on the Processor specified in the Batch's definition.

Unless otherwise specified a Batch assumes its Job class shares a common name.

Ex: FooBarBazBatch assumes there is a defined FooBarBazJob.

If you want to customize this behavior, define the job class explicitly:

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  process_with_job SomeOtherJob

BatchProcessor is designed to work with ActiveJob's built in retries.

Any job with a valid retry strategy will be allowed to exhaust all of it's attempts before it will be considered failed.

When a job raises with retries remaining, the batch essentially "ignores" it ever ran, which allows it to be retried.

To keep track of how often these handled failures are happening, the batch keeps a running tally of total retries.

batch = AppplicationBatch.find(batch_id)
batch.details.total_retries_count # => 15

In this example the 15 count could mean any number of things:

  1. A single job raised, and was retried, 15 times.
  2. 3 jobs raised and were retried their maximum of 5 times before failing.
  3. 5 jobs raised and were retried their maximum of 3 times before failing.
  4. 15 different jobs all raised once and were retried, all of which were successful.
  5. 13 different jobs all raised once, and one failed twice more on top of that, before finished successfully.

Because of the wide variety of cases this covers, the batch cannot and doesn't try to make decisions off this.

Instead, this information is tracked to provide developers with some introspection as to the behavior of the batch.

Ideally, the final state of the batch combined with the retry information and server logs should allow you to determine.

💡 Note: Batch failure is only triggered after all retries are exhausted for the job.


The Details of a batch are the times of critical lifecycle events and the summary counts of processed jobs.

batch = ExampleBatch.process
details = batch.details

details.started_at # => 2019-07-25 12:13:44 UTC
details.size # => 1
details.pending_jobs_count # => 1
details.to_h # => {"class_name"=>"ExampleBatch", "started_at"=>"2019-07-25 08:13:44 -0400", "size"=>"1", "pending_jobs_count"=>"1"}

The details object is built with RedisHash which works just like a plain old ruby Hash which makes calls to fetch data automatically.

⚠️ Warning: This hash is NOT cached so each method call makes a Redis call! #FeatureNotABug

batch = ExampleBatch.process
details = batch.details

details.pending_jobs_count # => 3

# rake resque:work in another window...

details.pending_jobs_count # => 2
details.pending_jobs_count # => 1
Detail Methods
Name Type Description
batch_id String The unique ID of the batch's instance.
class_name String The name of the batch's class.
started_at DateTime When processing began on the batch.
enqueued_at DateTime [Parallel] When all jobs were enqueued.
aborted_at DateTime When #abort! was called on the batch.
cleared_at DateTime When #clear! was called on the batch.
finished_at DateTime When processing finished on the batch.
size Number Count of items in the batch's collection.
enqueued_jobs_count Number [Parallel] Count of the jobs enqueued.
pending_jobs_count Number Count of jobs waiting to be performed.
running_jobs_count Number Count of jobs currently being performed.
successful_jobs_count Number Count of jobs performed successfully.
failed_jobs_count Number Count of jobs which raised errors.
canceled_jobs_count Number Count of jobs NOT performed from abort.
cleared_jobs_count Number Count of missing jobs flushed by clear.
total_retries_count Number Total count of retry attempts by all jobs.
unfinished_jobs_count Number Current count of jobs pending and running.
finished_jobs_count Number Current count of jobs already performed.
total_jobs_count Number Count of jobs (which should equal size).


The Status of a batch is manifested by a collection of predicates which track certain lifecycle events.

batch = ExampleBatch.process
batch.started? # => true
batch.enqueued? # => false
batch.aborted? # => false
batch.finished? # => true

batch.enqueued_jobs? # => false
batch.finished_jobs? # => true
Status Methods
Name Description
started? True if started_at is defined for the batch.
enqueued? True if enqueued_at is defined for the batch.
aborted? True if aborted_at is defined for the batch.
cleared? True if cleared_at is defined for the batch.
finished? True if finished_at is defined for the batch.
enqueued_jobs? True if enqueued_jobs_count > 0.
pending_jobs? True if pending_jobs_count > 0.
running_jobs? True if running_jobs_count > 0.
failed_jobs? True if failed_jobs_count > 0.
canceled_jobs? True if canceled_jobs_count > 0.
unfinished_jobs? True if unfinished_jobs_count > 0.
finished_jobs? True if finished_jobs_count > 0.
collection_valid? True if all the Collection's validations pass.
processing? True if started, unfinished, and not aborted.


Batches have a status which is driven by the jobs it is processing. Callbacks are fired in response to status changes.

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  class Collection < BatchCollection
    def items
      [ SecureRandom.hex ]

  on_batch_started { SlackClient.send_message("Batch started!") }
  on_batch_finished { SlackClient.send_message("Batch finished!") }

  on_batch_aborted :handle_batch_aborted, unless: -> { Business.during_business_hours? }
  on_batch_cleared :handle_batch_cleared, if: :important?

  def important?

  def handle_batch_aborted
    EmailClient.send_email("[email protected]", "Unexpected batch abort!", batch_id)

  def handle_batch_cleared
    EmailClient.send_email("[email protected]", "Crazy stuff happened!", details.to_h)
Callback Methods
Name Triggered when...
on_batch_started The batch is started.
on_batch_enqueued [Parallel] All batch jobs are enqueued.
on_batch_aborted The batch is aborted.
on_batch_cleared The batch is cleared.
on_batch_finished The batch is finished.
on_job_enqueued A batch job is enqueued.
on_job_running A batch job begins performing.
on_job_success A batch job is successfully performed.
on_job_failure A batch job raises an error being performed.
on_job_retried A batch job is retried rather than failing.
on_job_canceled A batch job skips perform after a batch is aborted.


A Processor is a service object which determines how to perform a Batch's jobs to properly process its collection.

Unless otherwise specified a Batch uses the default Parallel Processor.

class DefaultBatch < ApplicationBatch; end
DefaultBatch.processor_class # => BatchProcessor::Processors::Parallel

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
ExampleBatch.processor_class # => BatchProcessor::Processors::Sequential

class OtherBatch < ApplicationBatch
OtherBatch.processor_class # => BatchProcessor::Processors::Parallel

The default processors can be redefined and new custom processors can be added as well.

Create a config/initializers/batch_processor.rb to define these:

# Make sequential processor the default
ApplicationBatch::PROCESSOR_CLASS_BY_STRATEGY[:default] = BatchProcessor::Processors::Sequential

Certain processors have configurable options; this configuration is specified in the Batch's definition.

class ExampleBatch < ApplicationBatch
  processor_option :continue_after_exception, true

BatchProcessor comes with two standard processors: Parallel and Sequential.

Parallel Processor


The Parallel Processor enqueues jobs to be performed later.

Sequential Processor


The Sequential Processor uses .perform_now to procedurally process each job within the current thread.

⚠️ WARNING: Using a sequential processors disables job retries in a batch even if they are defined and valid!

Processor Options
Name Description
continue_after_exception If true, batch continues after job error.
sorted* If true, #find_each will not be used.

💁 HEADS UP: find_each is used when possible, which ignores order; the flag only forces #each.


BatchProcessor depends on ActiveJob for handling the processing of individual items in a collection.

Only a BatchJob can be used to perform work, but it can be run outside of a batch as well.

Therefore, the recommendation is to make ApplicationJob inherit from BatchJob.

The rails g batch_processor:install does this for you:

class ApplicationJob < BatchProcessor::BatchJob; end

A BatchJob calls into the Batch to report on it's lifecycle from start to finish, including on success and failure.

Handling Errors

When an error occurs in a BatchJob it will be tracked as a failure within a batch.

This is true even if a rescue_from handler is defined for the batch.

Intentionality is very difficult to ascertain in a topic as nuanced as error handling, so batches make some assumptions.

  1. If you define a rescue_from, you want to treat that exception as a batch failure BUT NOT a job failure.
  2. If you define a rescue in the perform block, you want to treat the exception as NEITHER a batch NOR job failure.
  3. If you define no rescue of any kind, you want to treat that exception as BOTH a batch AND a job failure.

Because BatchProcessor cannot speculate on it therefore doesn't attempt to control your application's error handling.

Instead, it only brings this incredibly dire warning:

⚠️ WARNING: You should never EVER "manually retry" a batch job! This can mess up the counter!

Defining a valid retry strategy within the job is the ONLY way to handle retries of a batch job!

If you attempt to manually re-enqueue a batch job from your processors failed queue, you WILL have a bad time.

Instead, you should always follow the Troubleshooting guide to handle exceptional failures.

👍 NOTE: It is considered a "best practice" to define error handling for all your jobs, batchable or otherwise!


Sometimes, "weird stuff" (this is a technical term) happens on the internet.

One example is a vanishing job:

  • A job is picked off the queue and usually takes 18 seconds process.
  • 5 seconds into performing, the worker received a SIGTERM.
  • The worker, being Resque, decides to dirty exit instead of graceful shutdown.
  • The job never completes, never is retried, never enters the queue again, and never reports status.
  • The running_jobs_count of your batch and will contain a count that will never go down.
  • Because one of the jobs has not reported in, the batch will never complete.

⚠️ Warning: This kind of "weird stuff" can always happen, and at scale WILL always happen! Be prepared!

Best Practice

Troubleshooting this issue will be very similar to troubleshooting any batch issues, but no two issues are fully alike.

What follows is therefore the generic "best practice" for handling any class of batch issue.

  1. Abort the Batch. This stops any new batches from processing and allows any enqueued jobs to flush from the workers.
  2. Damage Report. Figure out what went wrong and what needs to be cleaned up.
  3. Cleanup Fallout. Perform all the cleanup as determined in step 2.
  4. Wait. Allow time for the workers to chew through and cancel the pending jobs in your aborted batch.
  5. Clear the Batch. Manually flush any lost jobs, forcing the batch to run it's completion events.

Abort the Batch

batch = ApplicationBatch.find(batch_id)

Damage Report

💡 Note: By the nature of async processing your jobs can (and likely will, given enough workers) fail at every line:

class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(order)
    raise NotProcessing unless order.payment_processing?


    charge_service =
    charge_result = charge_service.charge!

    if charge_result.success?

In this example, if you had say, 30 workers processing your batch, you could expect to see the following issues:

  • Orders which were taken off the queue, marked as running, and then never passed the guard clause.
  • Orders which were marked that the charge was starting, but the service was never instantiated.
  • 😱 Orders which were submitted and a customer's money was taken, but your application has no record of that!
  • Orders submitted and a customer did not have funds available, but the application has no record of that EITHER!!
  • We get the response, but are not capable of reporting success about the charge in the database.
  • We actually record success in the database but the job cannot report itself as having completed to the batch!

💁‍ The Rule of Law: For every N lines of code in your job, you create N+2 at least unique problems. 😬


Batches can be Aborted.


When aborted, processing will continue on enqueued jobs but those jobs will not be performed.

Abort only prevents new jobs from being performed, as this is less disruptive (and much easier) than queue flushing.

When a job is skipped because of an aborted batch, it reports itself as canceled.

batch = ApplicationBatch.find(some_batch_id)
details = batch.details

details.performed_jobs_count # => 7
details.performed_jobs_count # => 8
details.canceled_jobs_count # => 0


details.performed_jobs_count # => 8
details.canceled_jobs_count # => 1
details.canceled_jobs_count # => 2

💡 Note: Running jobs will complete normally if #abort! was called after perform began on them.


Because clearing is a manual process only to be used in exceptional circumstances, it requires the batch be aborted.

In these cases, after a developer intervenes to assess the impact of the failure, the batch can be manually cleared.

batch = ApplicationBatch.find(some_batch_id)
details = batch.details

details.size # => 10
details.pending_jobs_count # => 2
details.running_jobs_count # => 2
details.finished_jobs_count # => 6
details.cleared_jobs_count # => 0


details.running_jobs_count # => 0
details.pending_jobs_count # => 0
details.cleared_jobs_count # => 4

💡 Note: Calling #clear! on a batch will trigger the batch completion events and finish the batch.

There is no use case to #clear! an in-flight batch and doing so is incredibly disruptive and corrupt the counts.

Monitor Job

Because of the nature of "weird stuff" that can happen in processing, it's highly encouraged you add monitoring.

The most common kind of monitoring that supports operations like this well are "dead man switches".

Dead Man's Snitch is an example of a monitoring service that can help!

You could also construct a batch monitor job that works for any / all batches and can be enqueued alongside:

class BatchMonitorJob < ApplicationBatch
  queue_name :a_higher_priority_than_any_jobs

  def perform(batch_id)
    batch = ApplicationBatch.find(batch_id)
    batch.abort! unless batch.finished? 

With a job like this, you can add a monitor to any batch:

batch_id = SecureRandom.hex
SomeImportantBatch.process(batch_id: batch_id)
BatchMonitorJob.set(wait: 20.minutes).perform_later(batch_id)

There are several important notes here.

Delayed Jobs

You must have configured ActiveJob with a queue processor that supports delayed jobs, and any extra hoops therein.

💁 Example: On Resque, a second worker and suite of gems is required to support .set(wait: 20.minutes)!

Please make sure to consult your given ActiveJob queue processor's own documentation for supporting delayed jobs.


There is no such thing as "normal" for what to expect for processing time. You can expectation set using the following:

good_timeout = ((number_of_jobs * average_time_per_job) / average_number_of_workers_available) + rand(5).minutes

For some batches, you may expect 10 minutes to be more than sufficient to process the whole workload.

For other batches, you may expect 2 hours to be a very conservative and aggressive estimate for completion.

Sometimes, the 10 minute batch could take over 2 hours if enqueued at the same time if other jobs are taking resources.

Because of the great variability here, you need to assess the differences of your own environment and adapt accordingly.

Queue Priority

Delayed jobs get enqueued after their delay at the REAR of the queue.

As such, your monitor must have a higher priority than any of jobs it's meant to monitor!

Otherwise it will be enqueued and processed after all the jobs finish, which defeats the purpose of this!

Because queueing theory is hard and there isn't really a great standard and several approaches, you're on your own here.

Sorry, and godspeed!


This automation is only a "best practice" for keeping things more or less clean.

Anytime an abort happens, developers likely need to look into why, as it should be considered an exceptional event.

As such, you are encouraged to setup notifications and alerting to communicate these events to your staff.

There are lots of solutions for how to setup this kind of monitoring, like using an internal mailer:

class ApplicationBatch < BatchProcessor::BatchBase
  on_batch_aborted { EngineeringMailer.batch_timeout(batch: self) }

Monitor Cron

Another alternative which inherits different constraints is setting up a cron task to monitory our batches.

Again, depending on the specifics of your environment and needs, there are several different solutions here as well.

Let's assume you already have invested in a cron solution like the clockwork gem.

If you know for instances that your charge batch was certainly supposed to have started by 8PM, write that:

every(, 'charge_start.job', at: '20:00') do
  batch_id = "charge-batch-for-#{}"
    batch = ApplicationBatch.find(batch_id)
    EngineeringMailer.charge_batch_not_started(batch_id) unless batch.started?
  rescue StandardError => exception

Likewise, if by 10PM it needs to be finished or you want it aborted, write that:

every(, 'charge_start.job', at: '22:00') do
  batch_id = "charge-batch-for-#{}"
    batch = ApplicationBatch.find(batch_id)
    # Assuming you have some kind of generic `on_batch_abort` that handles notifications
    batch.abort! unless batch.completed?
  rescue StandardError => exception


If you plan on writing RSpec tests BatchProcessor comes packaged with some custom matchers.

Testing Setup

Add the following to your spec/rails_helper.rb file:

require "batch_prcessor/spec_helper"

BatchProcessor works best with shoulda-matchers and rspice.

Add them to the development and test group of your Gemfile:

group :development, :test do 
  gem "shoulda-matchers", git: "", branch: "rails-5"
  gem "rspice"

Then run bundle install and add the following into spec/rails_helper.rb:

require "rspec/rails"
require "rspice"
require "batch_processor/spec_helper"

# Configuration for the shoulda-matchers gem
Shoulda::Matchers.configure do |config|
  config.integrate do |with|
    with.test_framework :rspec
    with.library :rails

This will allow you to use the following custom matchers:

There are also some internal matchers added:

Testing Batches

The best way to test a Batch is with an integration test.

The easiest way to test a Batch is with a unit test.

Batches are generated with the following RSPec template:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe FooBatch, type: :batch do
  subject { described_class }

  it { inherit_from BatchProcessor::BatchBase }

  # it { use_sequential_processor }
  # it { use_parallel_processor }

  # it { be_allow_empty }

  # it { use_default_job_class }
  # it { use_job_class OtherJob }

  # it { set_processor_option :continue_after_exception, true }
  # it { set_processor_option :sorted, true }
  # it { is_expected.not_to be_allow_empty }

  describe FooBatch::Collection, type: :batch_collection do
    subject { }

    it { inherit_from BatchProcessor::BatchBase::BatchCollection }
    # it { define_argument :arg, allow_nil: false }
    # it { define_option :opt, default: 3 }

Testing Collections

If your Collections are complicated enough that you want to put them into a separate file, they are too complicated.

Collections are expected to be incredibly straightforward objects with minimal validations and logic.

Highly maintainable collections should essentially be input sanity checks around something like an ActiveRecord scope:

class Collection < BatchCollection
  argument :charge_date

  validate :charge_date, date: { is_today_or_future: true }

  def items

This will allow you to keep this class as a slim, which is the intent!

Testing Jobs

BatchProcessor, though heavily reliant on jobs, does not include anything special or specific to test them.

Any job descending from BatchProcessor::BatchableJob (which has ActiveJob::Base as its parent) is batchable.

You can and should test your jobs, but there is nothing "special about them".

Ideally, if you're starting with a collection of well-built jobs, they should work nearly effortlessly here.

Admittedly "well-built" is subjective, but taken here to mean "clearly defined error handling and one responsibility".

Generally speaking the same suggestions for testing collections apply to ActiveJob.

🤓 HUMBLE OBSERVATION: The best jobs are slim wrappers around clearly defined services.

class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(id)
    the_thing = Thing.find(id)
    raise Thing::Locked if the_thing.locked?

    info :locked_thing, the_thing: the_thing

    the_stuff = Stuff.for(the_thing)
    info :got_stuff, the_stuff: the_stuff

    info :made_the_thing_do_the_stuff

# Executed with...

You should always move all that stuff into a service object:

class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(the_thing)

# Let globalID take care of this! Don't reinvent wheels!

If this feels right to you, check out flow. You'll like what you see, I guarantee it.

Integration Testing

Effective integration testing for batches requires you to configure ActiveJob for testing.

There are lots of solutions to this puzzle, so you're expected to pick your own poison in that regard.

Once you have everything configured to effectively unit test jobs, you can confirm the behavior of your batch.

A comprehensive suite of integration tests for a batch will cover three contexts:

1) When the batch finishes successfully. 2) When the batch finishes with some errors. 3) When you manually intervene with the batch.

These are basically the only circumstances that you will actually encounter in the real world, so you should test them.

Writing general purpose handlers for batch aborts and clears will save you a lot of trouble and excess testing!

Pretty much every manual intervention in a batch will elicit a "stuff is on fire" response from the team anyway.

Custom Processors

You are able to define your own custom processors and use them with the batch processor.

The following example is incredibly contrived for the purposes of demonstration:

Let's say you wanted a NoBobProcessor which enqueued jobs for anyone unless they had Bob in their name.

First, create an app/batch_processors directory. (really it can be in any folder, but why not be explicit?)

Then create your new NoBobProcessor class which is a descendant of BatchProcessor::ProcessorBase.

Generally speaking, when defining a processor you only need to define one method: #process_collection_item

This method is called with each and every item from a Batch's Collection and the processor decides what to do with it.

In our example, we will add a string-matching guard clause to exclude the Bobs of the world from processing.

When writing processors, it's always best to assume a generic case.

For now, let's assume that's either being a string representing a name, or an object with a #name property to check.

class NoBobProcessor < BatchProcessor::ProcessorBase
  # Required for parallel processors to keep accurate and expected reporting
  set_callback(:collection_processed, :after) { batch.enqueued }

  def process_collection_item(item)
    return if for_a_bob?(item)

    job =
    job.batch_id = batch.batch_id


  def for_a_bob?(item)
    name = if item.respond_to?(:name)
    name ||= item if item.is_a?(String)
    raise ArgumentError, "Unknown item: #{item}" if name.nil?


Then, it needs to be register as a processing strategy so batches can utilize it.

To define it, create or edit a config/initializers/batch_processor.rb file and add the following line:

ApplicationBatch::PROCESSOR_CLASS_BY_STRATEGY[:no_bobs] = NoBobProcessor

This will enable you to specify this processor within your batch:

class ChargeNoBobsBatch < ApplicationBatch

  # ...

Reference your new processor by the name you used to enter it with the PROCESSOR_CLASS_BY_STRATEGY hash.

You can refer to the existing processors for reference.

Testing Processors

Testing custom processors is best suited by unit tests and confirmed by integration tests.

There's a lot that can go wrong when batching lots of jobs is involved, and it really helps to have unit tests on this.

I can't offer more guidance on writing good unit tests for processors other than suggesting riffing on these.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.