
($Release: 0.1.0 $)

What's this?

Benry-ActionRunner is a task runner. Similar to Rake, but much improved over Rake.

The main feature of Benry-ActionRunner compared to Rake is that each actions can take options and arguments. For example, arun hello -l fr Alice runs hello action with an option -l fr and an argument Alice.

(Benry-ActionRunner requires Ruby >= 2.3)

Table of Contents


$ gem install benry-actionrunner
$ arun --version


[bash]$ arun -h | less          # print help message
[bash]$ arun -g                 # generate action file ('Actionfile.rb')
[bash]$ less Actionfile.rb      # read content of action file
[bash]$ arun                    # list actions (or: `arun -l`)
[bash]$ arun -h hello           # show help message of 'hello' action
[bash]$ arun hello Alice        # run 'hello' action with arguments
Hello, Alice!
[bash]$ arun hello Alice -l fr  # run 'hello' action with args and options
Bonjour, Alice!
[bash]$ arun xxxx:              # list actions starting with 'xxxx:'
[bash]$ arun :                  # list prefixes of actions (or '::', ':::')

Basic Features


File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class MyAction < Action

  @action.("print greeting message")
  def hello()
    puts "Hello, world!"



[bash]$ ls Actionfile.rb

[bash]$ arun hello
Hello, world!

It is not allowed to override existing method by action method. For example, you can't define print() or test() method as action method because these methods are defined in parent or ancestor class. In this case, please rename action methods to print_() or test_(). These action methods are treated as action name print or test.


File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class MyAction < Action

  @action.("print greeting message")
  def hello(name="world")
    puts "Hello, #{name}!"



[bash]$ arun hello Alice
Hello, Alice!

Arguments are displayed in help message of actions.

[bash]$ arun -h hello
arun hello --- print greeting message

  $ arun hello [<options>] [<name>]


File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class MyAction < Action

  @action.("print greeting message")
  @option.(:lang, "-l, --lang=<lang>", "language (en/fr/it)")
  @option.(:repeat, "-n <N>", "repeat N times")
  def hello(name="world", lang: "en", repeat: 1)
    repeat.times do
      case lang
      when "en" ; puts "Hello, #{name}!"
      when "fr" ; puts "Bonjour, #{name}!"
      when "it" ; puts "Chao, #{name}!"
      else      ; raise "#{lang}: Unknown language."



[bash]$ arun hello -l fr Alice        # or: arun hello Alice -l fr
Bonjour, Alice!

[bash]$ arun hello --lang=it Alice    # or: arun hello Alice --lang=it
Chao, Alice!

Available option formats:

  • No arguments
    • -h --- short
    • --help --- long
    • -h, --help --- both
  • Argument required
    • -f <file> --- short
    • --file=<file> --- long
    • -f, --file=<file> --- both
  • Optional argument
    • -i[<width>] --- short
    • --indent[=<width>] --- long
    • -i, --indent[=<width>] --- both

Notice: --lang it style option is not supported for usability reason. Use --lang=it style instead.

Validation for Option Value

Keyword arguments of @option.():

  • type: Integer --- Option value should be an integer.
  • `rexp: /^\d+$/ --- Option value should match to pattern.
  • enum: ["A", "B", "C"] --- Option value should be one of "A", "B", or "C".
  • `range: 1..10 --- Option value should be between 1 and 10.

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class MyAction < Action

  @action.("print greeting message")
  @option.(:lang, "-l, --lang=<lang>", "language", enum: ["en", "fr", "it"])
  @option.(:repeat, "-n <N>", "repeat N times", type: Integer, range: 1..5)
  def hello(name="world", lang: "en", repeat: 1)
    repeat.times do
      case lang
      when "en" ; puts "Hello, #{name}!"
      when "fr" ; puts "Bonjour, #{name}!"
      when "it" ; puts "Chao, #{name}!"
      else      ; raise "#{lang}: Unknown language."



[bash]$ arun hello -l po Alice
[ERROR] -l po: Expected one of en/fr/it.

[bash]$ arun hello -n 99 Alice
[ERROR] -n 99: Too large (max: 5)

Boolean Option

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class MyAction < Action

  @action.("print greeting message")
  @option.(:lang, "-l, --lang=<lang>", "language", enum: ["en", "fr", "it"])
  @option.(:repeat, "-n <N>", "repeat N times", type: Integer, range: 1..5)
  @option.(:color, "-c, --color[=<on|off>]", "color mode", type: TrueClass)
  def hello(name="world", lang: "en", repeat: 1, color: false)
    if color
      name = "\e[32m#{name}\e[0m"
    repeat.times do
      case lang
      when "en" ; puts "Hello, #{name}!"
      when "fr" ; puts "Bonjour, #{name}!"
      when "it" ; puts "Chao, #{name}!"
      else      ; raise "#{lang}: Unknown language."



[bash]$ arun hello --color=on Alice
Hello, Alice!                          # displayed with color

[bash]$ arun hello --color Alice
Hello, Alice!                          # displayed with color

Prefix of Actions

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class GitAction < Action
  prefix "git:"     # should be "git:", not "git" !!!

  @action.("show current status in compact format")
  def status(path=".")
    sys "git status -sb #{path}"     # `sys` is like `system` or `sh`.


### or:
#class GitAction < Action
#  @action.("show current status in compact format")
#  def git__status(path=".")
#    sys "git status -sb #{path}"
#  end


[bash]$ arun -l
  git:status         : show current status in compact format
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)

[bash]$ arun git:status
$ git status -sb .

Prefix name should be a string which ends with ":". Symbol is not avaiable.

class GitAction < Action
  prefix :git       #=> error because Symbol is specified

Nested Prefix

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class GitAction < Action

  prefix "git:" do

    prefix "commit:" do

      @action.("create a commit of current changes")
      def create(msg); sys "git commit -m '#{msg}'"; end


    prefix "branch:" do

      @action.("create a new branch")
      def create(name); sys "git checkout -b #{name}" ; end

      @action.("switch current branch")
      def switch(name); sys "git checkout #{name}"; end





[bash]$ arun -l
  git:branch:create  : create a new branch
  git:branch:switch  : switch current branch
  git:commit:create  : create a commit of current changes
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)

Alias of Action

Alias is a shortcut of action.

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class GitAction < Action

  prefix "git:" do

    prefix "commit:" do

      @action.("create a commit of current changes")
      def create(msg); sys "git commit -m '#{msg}'"; end


    prefix "branch:" do

      @action.("create a new branch")
      def create(name); sys "git checkout -b #{name}" ; end

      @action.("switch current branch")
      def switch(name); sys "git checkout #{name}"; end




## define aliases
define_alias "ci"   , "git:commit:create"
define_alias "fork" , "git:branch:create"
define_alias "sw"   , "git:branch:switch"


[bash]$ arun -l
  ci                 : alias of 'git:commit:create'
  fork               : alias of 'git:branch:create'
  git:branch:create  : create a new branch
  git:branch:switch  : switch current branch
  git:commit:create  : create a commit of current changes
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)
  sw                 : alias of 'git:branch:switch'

[bash]$ arun fork topic-foo      # same as `arun git:branch:create topic-foo`
[bash]$ arun sw topic-foo        # same as `arun git:branch:switch topic-foo`

Alias definition can include options and arguments. For example, define_alias "correct", ["git:commit", "--amend"] defines an alias correct which invokes git:commit action with --amend option.

Prefix Action and Prefix Alias

Rename git:status action to git (= prefix name):

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class GitAction < Action
  prefix "git:", action: "status"

  @action.("show current status in compact format")
  def status(path=".")
    sys "git status -sb #{path}"     # `sys` is like `system` or `sh`.


Output: (git:status is renamed to git)

[bash]$ arun -l
  git                : show current status in compact format
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)

Define an alias of git:status task as git (= prefix name):

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class GitAction < Action
  prefix "git:", alias_of: "status"

  @action.("show current status in compact format")
  def status(path=".")
    sys "git status -sb #{path}"     # `sys` is like `system` or `sh`.


Output: (git is an alias of git:status)

[bash]$ arun -l
  git                : alias of 'git:status'
  git:status         : show current status in compact format
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)

Prerequisite Action

Prerequisite Action is not supported. Instead, use run_once() which invokes other action only once.

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

class BuildAction < Action

  @action.("setup something")
  def setup()
    puts ".... setup ...."
    ## register teardown block which will be invoked at end of process.
    at_end {
      puts ".... teardown ...."

  @action.("build something")
  def build()
    run_once "setup"        # invoke other action only once
    run_once "setup"        # !!! not invoked !!!
    #run_action "setup"     # run anyway
    puts ".... build ...."



[bash]$ arun build
.... setup ....
.... build ....
.... teardown ....

Global Variable

Global long option such as --release=1.2.3 is recognized as global variable name and value.

File: Actionfile.rb

# coding: utf-8
require 'benry/actionrunner'
include Benry::ActionRunner::Export

## global variables
$project = "exmaple"
$release = "1.0.0"

class MyAction < Action

  @action.("show global variables")
  def gvars()
    puts "$project=#{$project.inspect}, $release=#{$release.inspect}"



[bash]$ arun --project=myapp --release=1.2.3 gvars
$project="myapp", $release="1.2.3"

Debug option -D prints global variables specified in commiand-line. This is useful to debug values of global variables.

[bash]$ arun -l -D --project=myapp --release=1.2.3
[DEBUG] $project = "myapp"
[DEBUG] $release = "1.2.3"
  gvars              : show global variables
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)

Values of global variables in command-line are parsed as JSON string. If failed to parse as JSON string, it is handled as string value.

### parsed as JSON format
[bash]$ arun -l -D --data='["abc",123,true]' | grep DEBUG
[DEBUG] $data = ["abc", 123, true]

### 'null' in JSON results in 'nil' in Ruby
[bash]$ arun -l -D --data="null" | grep DEBUG
[DEBUG] $data = nil

### parsed as JSON quoted string
[bash]$ arun -l -D --data='"foo"' | grep DEBUG
[DEBUG] $data = "foo"

### failed to parse, because single quotation is not available in JSON
[bash]$ arun -l -D --data="'foo'" | grep DEBUG
[DEBUG] $data = "'foo'"

### failed to parse as JSON, therefore handled as just a string
[bash]$ arun -l -D --data="foo" | grep DEBUG
[DEBUG] $data = "foo"

Available Commands

In action methods, UNIX-like commands are available. These commands are implemented in Benry-UnixCommand and different from FileUtils.rb. For example:

  • mv "*.txt", to: "dir" instead of mv Dir["*.txt"], "dir".
  • cp :p, "*.txt", to: "dir" instead of cp_p Dir["*.txt"], "dir".
  • rm :rf, "dir/*" instead of rm_rf Dir["dir/*"].
  • mkdir :p, "dir" instead of mkdir_p "dir".
  • sys "command" instead of sh "command" or system "command".

See the document of Benry-UnixCommand for details:

More Features

Search Actionfile in Parent or Higher Directory

In contrast to Rake, Benry-ActionRunner doesn't automatically look for action file in the parent or higher directory (this is for security reason). If you want Benry-ActionRunner to behave like Rake, add -u and -w options.

  • -u --- search for action file in parent or upper directory.
  • -w --- change current directory to where action file exists.

If you want to add these options always, set environment variable $ACTIONRUNNER_OPTION.

[bash]$ ls Actionfile.rb

[bash]$ mkdir -p foo/bar/
[bash]$ cd foo/bar/           # Change current directory.
[bash]$ arun -l               # Error because action file not found here.
[ERROR] Action file ('Actionfile.rb') not found. Create it by `arun -g` command firstly.

[bash]$ arun -l -wu           # Search 'Actionfile.rb' and change current directory.
  hello              : print greeting message
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)

[bash]$ export ACTIONRUNNER_OPTION="-up"
[bash]$ arun -l               # No need to add `-wu`.
$ cd ../..
  build              : build something
  help               : print help message (of action if specified)
  setup              : setup something

Hidden Action, Alias or Option

It is possible to make visibility of actions/aliases/options as hidden.

  @action.("preparation", hidden: true)
  @option.(:debug, "--debug", "enable debug mode", hidden: true)
  def preparation()

  define_alias "prep", "preparation", hidden: true

Hidden actions and options are not displayed in help message. If you want to display hidden actions or options, add -a or --all option.

[bash]$ arun -la          # show all actions including hidden ones
[bash]$ arun -la hello    # show all options of action including hidden ones

Important Action, Alias or Option

It is possible to mark actions/aliases/options as important or not.

  • Actions/aliases/options marked as important are displayed in bold font in help message.
  • Actions/aliases/options marked as not important are displayed in gray color in help message.
  @action.("print greeting message", important: true)
  @option.(:lang, "-l, --lang=<lang>", "language", important: true)
  @option.(:repeat, "--repeat=<N>", "repeat N times", important: false)
  def hello(name="world", lang: "en", repeat: 1)
    # ....

  define_alias "hi", "hello", important: false

Delete Action/Alias

undef_alias("fork")                    ## delete an alias
undef_action("git:branch:create")      ## delete an action

Default Action

CONFIG.default_action = "xxxx"

More Topics

Benry-ActionRunner is empowerd by Benry-CmdApp. Many features of Benry-ActionRunner is derived from Benry-CmdApp.

If you are looking for any features not written in this document, see the document of Benry-CmdApp framework:

$License: MIT License $

$Copyright: copyright(c) 2023 [email protected] $