Class: BinData::Skip

BasePrimitive show all
Defined in:


Skip will skip over bytes from the input stream. If the stream is not seekable, then the bytes are consumed and discarded.

When writing, skip will write :length number of zero bytes.

require 'bindata'

class A < BinData::Record
  skip :length => 5
  string :a, :read_length => 5

obj ="abcdefghij")
obj.a #=> "fghij"


Skip objects accept all the params that BinData::BasePrimitive does, as well as the following:


The number of bytes to skip.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Base


Method Summary

Methods inherited from BasePrimitive

#<=>, #assign, bit_aligned, #clear?, #do_num_bytes, #do_read, #do_read_with_hook, #do_write, #eql?, #hash, #initialize_instance, #initialize_shared_instance, #method_missing, #respond_to?, #snapshot, #trace_value, turn_off_tracing, turn_on_tracing, #value, #value=

Methods inherited from Base

#==, #=~, #abs_offset, arg_extractor, bindata_name, #clear, #debug_name, #eval_parameter, #get_parameter, #has_parameter?, #initialize_instance, #initialize_with_warning, #inspect, #lazy_evaluator, #new, #num_bytes, #offset, #pretty_print, #read, read, register_subclasses, #rel_offset, #safe_respond_to?, #to_binary_s, #to_s, unregister_self, #write

Methods included from AcceptedParametersPlugin

#accepted_parameters, #default_parameters, #mandatory_parameters, #mutually_exclusive_parameters, #optional_parameters

Methods included from RegisterNamePlugin

included, #initialize_shared_instance

Methods included from CheckOrAdjustOffsetPlugin

included, #initialize_shared_instance

Methods included from Framework

#assign, #clear?, #debug_name_of, included, #offset_of, #snapshot

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class BinData::BasePrimitive