The original project samtools-ruby belongs to Ricardo H. Ramirez @
Documentation and code come from that project and we'll adapt it for a better integration in BioRuby.
Binder of samtools for ruby, on the top of FFI.
This project was born from the need to add support of BAM files to the gee_fu genome browser.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'bio-samtools'
And then execute:
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install bio-samtools
Getting started
Creating a new SAM object
A SAM object represents the alignments in the BAM file, and is very straightforward to create, you will need a sorted BAM file, to access the alignments and a reference sequence in FASTA format to use the reference sequence. The object can be created and opened as follows:
require 'bio-samtools'
bam =>"my_sorted.bam", :fasta=>'ref.fasta')
Getting Reference Sequence
Retrieving the reference can only be done if the reference has been loaded, which isn't done automatically in order to save memory. Reference need only be loaded once, and is accessed using reference name, start, end in 1-based co-ordinates. A standard Ruby String object is returned.
sequence_fragment = bam.fetch_reference("Chr1", 1, 500)
Getting Alignments
Alignments can be obtained one at a time by looping over a specified region using the fetch() function.
bam.fetch("1",3000,4000).each do |alignment|
#do something with the alignment...
Creating a BAM file
Often, the output from a next-generation sequence alignment tool will be a file in the SAM format.
Typically, we'd create a compressed, indexed binary version of the SAM file, which would allow us to operate on it in a quicker and more efficient manner, being able to randomly access various parts of the alignment. We'd use the view
to do this. This step would involve takeing our sam file, sorting it and indexing it.
#create the sam object
sam = => 'my.sam', :fasta => 'ref.fasta')
#create a bam file from the sam file
sam.view(:b=>true, :S=>true, :o=>'bam.bam')
#create a new sam object from the bam file
unsortedBam = => 'bam.bam', :fasta => 'ref.fasta')
#the bam file might not be sorted (necessary for samtools), so sort it
#create a new sam object
bam = => 'sortedBam.bam', :fasta => 'ref.fasta')
#create a new index
#creates index file sortedBam.bam.bai
Working with BAM files
Creating a new SAM object
A SAM object represents the alignments in the BAM file. BAM files (and hence SAM objects here) are what most of SAMtools methods operate on and are very straightforward to create. You will need a sorted and indexed BAM file, to access the alignments and a reference sequence in FASTA format to use the reference sequence. Let's revisit the last few lines of code from the code above.
bam = => 'sortedBam.bam', :fasta => 'ref.fasta')
Creating the new Bio::DB::Sam (named 'bam' in this case) only to be done once for multiple operations on it, access to the alignments is random so you don't need to loop over the entries in the file.
Getting Reference Sequence
The reference is accessed using reference name, start, end in 1-based co-ordinates. A standard Ruby String object is returned.
sequence_fragment = bam.fetch_reference("Chr1", 1, 100)
puts sequence_fragment
=> cctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaacccta
A reference sequence can be returned as a Bio::Sequence::NA object buy the use of :as_bio => true
sequence_fragment = bam.fetch_reference("Chr1", 1, 100, :as_bio => true)
The printed output from this would be a fasta-formatted string
puts sequence_fragment
=> >Chr1:1-100
=> cctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaaccctaacccta
Concatenating BAM files
BAM files may be concatenated using the cat
command. The sequence dictionary of each input BAM must be identical, although the cat
method does not check this.
#create an array of BAM files to cat
bam_files = [bam1, bam2]
cat_file = "maps_cated.bam" #the outfile
#cat the files>cat_file, :bams=>bam_files)
#create a new Bio::DB::Sam object from the new cat file
cat_bam = => "ref.fasta", :bam => cat_file)
Removing duplicate reads
The remove_duplicates
method removes potential PCR duplicates: if multiple read pairs have identical external coordinates it only retain the pair with highest mapping quality. It does not work for unpaired reads (e.g. two ends mapped to different chromosomes or orphan reads).
unduped = "dupes_rmdup.bam" #an outfile for the removed duplicates bam
#remove single-end duplicates
bam.remove_duplicates(:s=>true, :out=>unduped)
#create new Bio::DB::Sam object
unduped_bam = => "ref.fasta", :bam => unduped)
Alignment Objects
The individual alignments represent a single read and are returned as
Bio::DB::Alignment objects. These have numerous methods of their own,
using require 'pp'
will allow you to check the attributes contained in
each object. Here is an example alignment object. Remember @
represents a Ruby instance variable and can be accessed as any other
method. Thus the @is_mapped
attribute of an object a
is accessed
require 'pp'
pp an_alignment_object ##some Bio::DB::Alignment object
{"MD"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101114ed0 @tag="MD", @type="Z", @value="76">,
"XO"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x1011155d8 @tag="XO", @type="i", @value="0">,
"AM"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101116280 @tag="AM", @type="i", @value="37">,
"X0"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101115fb0 @tag="X0", @type="i", @value="1">,
"X1"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101115c68 @tag="X1", @type="i", @value="0">,
"XG"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101115240 @tag="XG", @type="i", @value="0">,
"SM"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x1011162f8 @tag="SM", @type="i", @value="37">,
"XT"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x1011162a8 @tag="XT", @type="A", @value="U">,
"NM"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101116348 @tag="NM", @type="i", @value="0">,
"XM"=>#<Bio::DB::Tag:0x101115948 @tag="XM", @type="i", @value="0">}>
Getting Alignments
Alignments can be obtained one at a time by looping over a specified region using the fetch()
bam.fetch("Chr1",3000,4000).each do |alignment|
#do something with the alignment...
A separate method fetch_with_function()
allows you to pass a block (or
a Proc object) to the function for efficient calculation. This example takes
an alignment object and returns an array of sequences which exactly match the reference.
#an array to hold the matching sequences
exact_matches = []
matches = do |a|
#get the length of each read
len = a.seq.length
#get the cigar string
cigar = a.cigar
#create a cigar string which represents a full-length match
cstr = len.to_s << "M"
if cigar == cstr
#add the current sequence to the array if it qualifies
exact_matches << a.seq
bam.fetch_with_function("Chr1", 100, 500, &matches)
puts exact_matches
Alignment stats
The SAMtools flagstat method is implemented in bio-samtools to quickly examine the number of reads mapped to the reference. This includes the number of paired and singleton reads mapped and also the number of paired-reads that map to different chromosomes/contigs.
An example output would be
34672 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
0 + 0 duplicates
33196 + 0 mapped (95.74%:nan%)
34672 + 0 paired in sequencing
17335 + 0 read1
17337 + 0 read2
31392 + 0 properly paired (90.54%:nan%)
31728 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
1468 + 0 singletons (4.23%:nan%)
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)
Getting Coverage Information
Per Base Coverage
It is easy to get the total depth of reads at a given position, the
function is used. This differs from the previous
functions in that a start position and length (rather than end position)
are passed to the function. An array of coverages is returned, the first
position in the array gives the depth of coverage at the given start
position in the genome, the last position in the array gives the depth
of coverage at the given start position plus the length given
coverages = bam.chromosome_coverage("Chr1", 3000, 1000) #=> [16,16,25,25...]
Average Coverage In A Region
Similarly, average (arithmetic mean) of coverage can be retrieved with the average_coverage
coverages = bam.average_coverage("Chr1", 3000, 1000) #=> 20.287
Coverage from a BED file
It is possible to count the number of nucleotides mapped to a given region of a BAM file by providing a BED formatted file and using the bedcov
method. The output is the BED file with an extra column providing the number of nucleotides mapped to that region.
bed_file = "test.bed"
=> chr_1 1 30 6
=> chr_1 40 45 8
Alternatively, the depth
method can be used to get per-position depth information (any unmapped positions will be ignored).
bed_file = "test.bed"
=> chr_1 25 1
=> chr_1 26 1
=> chr_1 27 1
=> chr_1 28 1
=> chr_1 29 1
=> chr_1 30 1
=> chr_1 41 1
=> chr_1 42 1
=> chr_1 43 2
=> chr_1 44 2
=> chr_1 45 2
Getting Pileup Information
Pileup format represents the coverage of reads over a single base in the
reference. Getting a Pileup over a region is very easy. Note that this
is done with mpileup
and NOT the now deprecated SAMtools pileup
function. Calling the mpileup
method creates an iterator that yields a
Pileup object for each base.
bam.mpileup do |pileup|
puts pileup.consensus #gives the consensus base from the reads for that position
Caching pileups
A pileup can be cached, so if you want to execute several operations on the same set of regions, mpilup won't be executed several times. Whenever you finish using a region, call mpileup_clear_cache to free the cache. The argument 'Region' is required, as it will be the key for the underlying hash. We assume that the options (other than the region) are constant. If they are not, the cache mechanism may not be consistent.
#create an mpileup
reg =
reg.entry = "Chr1"
reg.start = 1
reg.end = 334
bam.mpileup_cached(:r=>reg,:g => false, :min_cov => 1, :min_per =>0.2) do |pileup|
puts pileup.consensus
Pileup options
The mpileup
function takes a range of parameters to allow SAMtools
level filtering of reads and alignments. They are specified as key =>
value pairs eg
bam.mpileup(:r => "Chr1:1000-2000", :Q => 50) do |pileup|
##only pileups on Chr1 between positions 1000-2000 are considered,
##bases with Quality Score < 50 are excluded
Not all the options SAMtools allows you to pass to mpileup will return a Pileup object, The table below lists the SAMtools flags supported and the symbols you can use to call them in the mpileup command.
SAMtools options | description | short symbol | long symbol | default | example |
r | limit retrieval to a region | :r | :region | all positions | :r => "Chr1:1000-2000" |
6 | assume Illumina scaled quality scores | :six | :illumina_quals | false | :six => true |
A | count anomalous read pairs scores | :A | :count_anomalous | false | :A => true |
B | disable BAQ computation | :B | :no_baq | false | :no_baq => true |
C | parameter for adjusting mapQ | :C | :adjust_mapq | 0 | :C => 25 |
d | max per-BAM depth to avoid excessive memory usage | :d | :max_per_bam_depth | 250 | :d => 123 |
E | extended BAQ for higher sensitivity but lower specificity | :E | :extended_baq | false | :E => true |
G | exclude read groups listed in FILE | :G | :exclude_reads_file | false | :G => my_file.txt |
l | list of positions (chr pos) or regions (BED) | :l | :list_of_positions | false | :l => my_posns.bed |
M | cap mapping quality at value | :M | :mapping_quality_cap | 60 | :M => 40 |
R | ignore RG tags | :R | :ignore_rg | false | :R => true |
q | skip alignments with mapping quality smaller than value | :q | :min_mapping_quality | 0 | :q => 30 |
Q | skip bases with base quality smaller than value | :Q | :imin_base_quality | 13 | :Q => 30 |
Coverage Plots
You can create images that represent read coverage over binned regions of the reference sequence. The output format is svg. A number of parameters can be changed to alter the style of the plot. In the examples below the bin size and fill_color have been used to create plots with different colours and bar widths.
The following lines of code...
bam.plot_coverage("Chr1", 201, 2000, :bin=>20, :svg => "out2.svg", :fill_color => '#F1A1B1')
bam.plot_coverage("Chr1", 201, 2000, :bin=>50, :svg => "out.svg", :fill_color => '#99CCFF')
bam.plot_coverage("Chr1", 201, 1000, :bin=>250, :svg => "out3.svg", :fill_color => '#33AD5C', :stroke => '#33AD5C')
The plot_coverage
method will also return the raw svg code, for further use. Simply leave out a file name and assign the method to a variable.
svg = bam.plot_coverage("Chr1", 201, 2000, :bin=>50, :fill_color => '#99CCFF')
VCF methods
For enhanced snp calling, we've included a VCF class which reflects each non-metadata line of a VCF file. The VCF class returns the eight fixed fields present in VCF files, namely chromosome, position, ID, reference base, alt bases, alt quality score, filter and info along with the genotype fields, format and samples. This information allows the comparison of variants and their genotypes across any number of samples. The following code takes a number of VCF objects and examines them for homozygous alt (1/1) SNPs
vcfs = []
vcfs << vcf1 ="20 14370 rs6054257 G A 29 0 NS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:48:1:51,51 1|0:48:8:51,51 1/1:43:5:-1,-1") #from a 3.3 vcf file
vcfs << vcf2 ="19 111 . A C 9.6 . . GT:HQ 0|0:10,10 0/0:10,10 0/1:3,3") #from a 4.0 vcf file
vcfs << vcf3 ="20 14380 rs6054257 G A 29 PASS NS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:48:1:51,51 1|0:48:8:51,51 1/1:43:5:.,") #from a 4.0 vcf file
vcfs.each do |vcf|
vcf.samples.each do |sample|
genotype = sample[1]['GT']
if genotype == '1/1' or genotype == '1|1'
print vcf.chrom, " "
puts vcf.pos
=> 20 14370
=> 20 14380
Other methods not covered
The SAMtools methods faidx, fixmate, tview, reheader, calmd, targetcut and phase are all included in the current bio-samtools release.
The easiest way to run the built-in unit tests is to change to the bio-samtools source directory and running 'rake test'
Each test file tests different aspects of the code.
- BioRuby >= 1.4.3
- Ruby 1.9 and above.
I´m getting a segmentation Fault, what did I do wrong?
[Answer] You are using an old version of bio-samtools, the current version doesn't link directly to the library.
I keep seeing this Invalid gemspec in [some ruby gem path…], what is wrong?
[Answer] This appears to be a bug in RubyGems that doesn't affect the running of the tools. It will keep happening until someone updates RubyGems. If it really bugs you, downgrade RubyGems.
Contributing to bio-samtools
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
- Filter to the fetching algorithm (give a condition that has to be satisfied to add the alignment to the list)
To whom do I complain?
Try and
Important Notes
samtools is downloaded, compiled and installed inside the gem at install time on the host system
If you use this tool for publication, please cite
Important Notes for developers
Remember that you must compile and install samtools for you host system. In order to do that there are two possible solutions:
- download, compile and install the library in bioruby-samtools-your_clone/lib/bio/db/sam/external/samtools and bioruby-samtools-your_clone/lib/bio/db/sam/external/bcftools by yourself
- in your bioruby-samtools-your_clone create the Rakefile typing
cd ext; ruby mkrf_conf.rb; rake -f Rakefile
The latest I think is the easiest way, cause you are replicating the automatic process.
For testing just run rake test
. Tests must be improved.
Travis integration
If you are integrating this library into another tool and testing it with travis, add the follwing in .travis.yml
- zlib1g-dev
- libncurses5-dev
- libtinfo-dev
Copyright (c) 2011 Raoul J.P. Bonnal. See LICENSE.txt for further details.