

Mount Engine in routes.rb

mount Bitcharts::Engine => "/bitcharts"

Generate a chart

rails g bitcharts:chart user_logins
# or a scoped chart:
rails g bitcharts:scoped_chart user_logins

Implement chart’s value method

Change the generated method in app/charts/user_logins_chart.rb:

def value(date_range)
  User::Login.where(created_at: date_range).count

Add canvas to your view

<%= bitchart 'user_logins', from: 7.days.ago, to: %>

Check Bitcharts::ApplicationHelper for all available options.

Add Javascript

Require Javascript in your applications Javascript or load it dynamically in your view when needed:

<%= javascript_include_tag 'bitcharts/default' %>

If you don’t use jQuery already use bitcharts/full instead.


rails g bitcharts:install

This generates an initializer that shows you how to authorize with CanCan(Can) based on the chart’s class name. Adopt it as needed.