Bliss.js for Rails

This gem wraps the Bliss.js library written by Lea Verou and makes it available to the Rails Asset Pipeline.


Add the gem to the Gemfile in your Rails project:

ruby gem 'blissful-rails'

Then execute:

sh $ bundle install

And add your favourite flavour to your application.js file:

javascript //= require bliss

If you want to go with the shy version (it doesn’t touch the host environment, except by adding a global variable named Bliss), you might do want to add this instead:

javascript //= require bliss.shy

You might also be interested in the blissful-ujs gem if you are looking to replace jquery-ujs. Read more about it here.


If you installed this library, then you might want to visit the documentation. Basically, I might give you a tip:


$.ready().then(function () { console.log(‘Ok, you've loaded Bliss.js successfully!’) })


Blissful documentation mentions which jQuery methods are similar. The difference between those is the implementation: Bliss is only 3kb and might probably not work well in older browsers without polyfills.

See this if you have issues.


This gem is updated once a week. Basically, if we find changes in the JavaScript library, we will put the new JavaScript files and upload a new gem. However, the library was written for little to no maintenance, hence even if you do not see activity in a month or so, it’s safe to use.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Thanks to Lea Verou for writing the library, and to Hendrik Kleinwächter for letting me experiment a little with other things.