
Ruby gem for accessing Blizzard's Mashery API

This repository contains various libraries for interfacing with Blizzard's API

This is a work in progress: TODO-LIST


# Gemfile for your Rails / Sinatra project.
gem 'bnet'


# initializer file (config/initializer/bnet_initializer.rb)
Bnet.configuration.api_key = 'your_api_key'



# Perform a query for the Diablo 3 character profile.
# Arguments
#   Required
#     :battle_tag - Player Battletag (ex. PlayerOne#1309)
#     :region     - Account region (ex. 'us')
#   Optional
#     :locale     - String locale (default: 'en_US')
#     :api_key    - String API key
# Returns a Career object with the following attributes
#    :heroes, :last_hero_played, :last_updated, :kills, :time_played,
#    :fallen_heroes, :paragon_level, :paragon_level_hardcore, :battle_tag,
#    :progression, :region
# Note : Autoloads the associated hero records from the Hero API as well

Bnet::Diablo3::Career.find(battle_tag: 'PlayerOne#1309', region: 'us')


# Perform a query for the D3 career's hero
# Arguments
#   Required
#     :battle_tag - Player Battletag (ex. PlayerOne#1309)
#     :region     - Account region (ex. 'us')
#     :hero_id    - You can get this from an existing Career object
#                   or from the website url when you view a hero
#   Optional
#     :locale     - String locale (default: 'en_US')
#     :api_key    - String API key
# Example
# Returns a Hero object with the following attributes
#    :life, :damage, :attack_speed, :armor, :strength, :dexterity, :vitality,
#    :intelligence, :physical_resist, :fire_resist, :cold_resist,
#    :lightning_resist, :poison_resist, :arcane_resist, :crit_damage,
#    :block_chance, :block_amount_min, :block_amount_max, :damage_increase,
#    :crit_chance, :damage_reduction, :thorns, :life_steal, :life_per_kill,
#    :gold_find, :magic_find, :life_on_Hit, :primary_resource,
#    :secondary_resource
#  and the following misc attributes
#    :paragon_level, :seasonal, :name, :hero_id,
#    :level, :hardcore, :gender, :dead, :hero_class, :last_update,
#    :region, :battle_tag
#  and these methods return a collection of associated objects
#    :followers, :items, :active_skills, :passive_skills, :career

Bnet::Diablo3::Hero.find(battle_tag: 'PlayerOne-1309', region: 'us', hero_id: 1304986)


# Query Battlenet API for the SC2 profile recordand create an instance of an
# SC2 Profile.
# Hash Params:
#   Required
#     :realm      - (required but defaults to '1')
#     :profile_id - ID (Honestly i do not know why Blizzard still needs this if
#                   localized Battletag is unique enough)
#     :name       - Just the name string in the Battle tag.
#   Optional
#     :locale     - (defaults to 'en_US')
#     :api_key    - the api key
# Returns a Profile object with the following attributes...
#      :profile_id, :realm, :display_name, :clan_name, :clan_tag,
#      :achievement_points, :swarm_level, :terran_level, :zerg_level,
#      :protoss_level, :acievement_points, :region,
# ...And the following associations
#      :career, :matches, :previous_ladder_season, current_ladder_season
# Example: If US account 'Playerone#1309' the profile can be accessible via
# web from ''

Bnet::Starcraft2::profile.find(region: 'us', profile_id: 2143215, name: 'PlayerOne')

World of Warcraft

# Query Battlenet API for the character profile
# Hash Params:
#   Required
#     :region          - (e.g. 'us', 'ea')
#     :name            - String name of the toon
#     :realm           - String name of the server the character is on (String)
#   Optional
#     :locale          - String locale (defaults to 'en_US')
#     :api_key         - String api key
# Returns a Character with the following attributes...
#   :name, :realm, :battlegroup, :class, :race, :gender, :level,
#   :achievement_points, :total_honorable_kills, :calc_class
# ... And responds to the following methods to return their corresponding scope in Hash form
#   :achievements, :appearance, :feed, :guild, :hunter_pets, :items, :mounts, :pet_slots,
#   :progression, :pvp, :quests, :reputation, :stats, :talents, :titles, :audit
# Example : IF a character named 'AlexeiStukov' is on 'DragonMaw' 'US' server

Bnet::WOW::Character.find(region: 'us', name: 'AlexeiStukov', realm: 'Dragonmaw')


Licensed under the MIT license (see MIT-LICENSE file)