Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status



Borderbot is a easy way to get the border wait times from U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Wait Times.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'borderbot'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install borderbot


Tell Borderbot do his job.

agent = Borderbot.go #To fetch, parse, sort and optimize the data.

Access Borderbot Agent data.

agent.ports       # Array with ports data
agent.bwt_url     # XML url from Border Wait Times
agent.executed_at # Date and time from the execution time

Ports array skeleton

agent.ports.class                                       #=> Array
agent.ports[0].keys                                     #=> [:updateTime, :portNumber, :portStatus, :portName, :crossingName, :data]
agent.ports[0][:updateTime].strftime("%A %b %d %H:%M")  #=> "Wednesday Feb 22 17:00"
agent.ports[0][:portNumber]                             #=> "250301"
agent.ports[0][:portStatus]                             #=> "Open"
agent.ports[0][:portName]                               #=> "Calexico"
agent.ports[0][:crossingName]                           #=> "East"

Ports array skeleton

##  This is the data skeleton, so if there is data related to the port Borderbot will create a hash key/value with the port data, but if there is no valid data value ex.(N/A, null) it will be excluded, so Borderbot will return a Array optimized including only the meaningful data.

Port data sample agent.ports[0][:data]

             :commercial => {
        :standard_lanes => {
            :operational_status => "no delay",
                    :lanes_open => 2,
                 :delay_minutes => 5
            :FAST_lanes => {
            :operational_status => "no delay",
                    :lanes_open => 1,
                 :delay_minutes => 0
              :passenger => {
        :NEXUS_SENTRI_lanes => {
            :operational_status => "no delay",
                    :lanes_open => 1,
                 :delay_minutes => 0
               :ready_lanes => {
            :operational_status => "delay",
                    :lanes_open => 4,
                 :delay_minutes => 10
            :standard_lanes => {
            :operational_status => "delay",
                    :lanes_open => 2,
                 :delay_minutes => 15
             :pedestrian => {
        :standard_lanes => {
            :operational_status => "no delay",
                    :lanes_open => 2,
                 :delay_minutes => 0
    :construction_notice => {
        :"#cdata-section" => "Calexico/East Ready Lane is open west side of port; Passenger Hrs Mon-Fri 3:00AM to Midnight, Sat/Sun 6:00AM to Midnight. Go to for info.  Tune into AM 1610 for border crossing info"

Contributing to Borderbot gem

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/borderbot. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.