
A Ruby client for Bothan, a simple platform for storing and publishing metrics.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bothan'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bothan


First require the Bothan client:

require 'bothan'

Then initialize a connection with your username, password and the url of your Bothan endpoint:

@bothan ='username', 'password', '')

You will then be able to interact with your Bothan API via the metrics method like so:

Get all metrics

Returns a list of available metrics as an array of hashes

#=> [{"name"=>"metric-with-geodata", "url"=>""}, {"name"=>"metric-with-multiple-values", "url"=>""}, {"name"=>"metric-with-target", "url"=>""}, {"name"=>"metric-with-ytd-target", "url"=>""},{"name"=>"simple-metric", "url"=>""}]

Find a metric

Latest value

Returns the latest value for a specified metric as a hash

#=> {"_id"=>{"$oid"=>"58451086db72110004125f6d"}, "name"=>"simple-metric", "time"=>"2016-12-05T07:00:22.459+00:00", "value"=>68}

For a specific DateTime

Returns the most recent value of a metric at the specified datetime.

@bothan.metrics.find('simple-metric', '2016-12-05T07:00:22.459+00:00')
#=> {"_id"=>{"$oid"=>"58451086db72110004125f6d"}, "name"=>"simple-metric", "time"=>"2016-12-05T07:00:22.459+00:00", "value"=>68}

For a specific DateTime range

Returns all values of the metric between the specified times.

@bothan.metrics.find('simple-metric', '2016-12-01T07:00:22.851+00:00', '2016-12-05T07:00:22.459+00:00')
#=> [{"time"=>"2016-12-01T07:00:22.851+00:00", "value"=>92}, {"time"=>"2016-12-02T07:00:22.759+00:00", "value"=>17}, {"time"=>"2016-12-03T07:00:22.664+00:00", "value"=>18}, {"time"=>"2016-12-04T07:00:22.569+00:00", "value"=>12}, {"time"=>"2016-12-05T07:00:22.459+00:00", "value"=>68}]

The from and to values can be either:

  • An ISO8601 date/time
  • A Ruby DateTime object
  • An ISO8601 duration
  • *, meaning unspecified

Create a metric

The Bothan API supports four types of metric, all supported by the gem.

Create a simple metric

# Create a metric called 'my-new-metric' with a value of '12' at the current datetime
@bothan.metrics.create('my-new-metric', 12)
# Create a metric with a specific datetime
@bothan.metrics.create('my-new-metric', 12, '2016-01-01T00:00:00')

Create a metric with a target

# Create a metric called 'my-new-metric' with a value of '1091000', an annual target of '2862000' and a ytd target of '1368000' at the current datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_target('my-new-target-metric', 1091000, 2862000, 1368000)
# Create a metric with a target at a specific datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_target('my-new-target-metric', 1091000, 2862000, 1368000, '2016-01-01T00:00:00')
# Create a metric without a ytd target
@bothan.metrics.create_target('my-new-target-metric', 1091000, 2862000)
# Create a metric without a ytd target at a specific datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_target('my-new-target-metric', 1091000, 2862000, nil, '2016-01-01T00:00:00')

Create a metric with multiple values

# Create a metric called 'my-new-metric' with multiple values with the current datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_multiple('my-awesome-mulitple-metric', {
  "value1" => 123,
  "value2" => 23213,
  "value4" => 1235
# Create a metric called 'my-new-metric' with multiple values with a specific datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_multiple('my-awesome-mulitple-metric', {
  "value1" => 123,
  "value2" => 23213,
  "value4" => 1235
}, "2016-11-28T09:00:00")

Create a metric with geodata

# Create a geodata metric called 'my-new-metric' with the current datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_geo('my-new-metric', [
    "type" => "Feature",
    "geometry" => {
      "type" => "Point",
      "coordinates" => [-2.6156582783015017, 54.3497405310758]
    "type" => "Feature",
    "geometry" => {
      "type" => "Point",
       "coordinates" => [-6.731370299641439, 55.856756177781186]
# Create a geodata metric called 'my-new-metric' with a specific datetime
@bothan.metrics.create_geo('my-awesome-geo-metric', [
    "type" => "Feature",
    "geometry" => {
      "type" => "Point",
      "coordinates" => [-2.6156582783015017, 54.3497405310758]
    "type" => "Feature",
    "geometry" => {
      "type" => "Point",
       "coordinates" => [-6.731370299641439, 55.856756177781186]
], "2016-11-28T09:00:00")


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/bothan. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.