Box of Tricks

This gem contains a bunch of CSS classes and Rails helper methods that we rely upon regularly

View Helpers


Sets the page title if passed an argument, otherwise returns the page title.

# layouts/application.html.erb
   <title><%= title %></title>
   <%= yield %>

 # users/show.hmtl.erb
 <% title @user.username %>


<%= field id: "my_field", class: "user_form" do %>
  <%= text_field_tag :user, :username %>
<% end %>
<!-- generates: -->
<div class="field user_form" id="my_field">
  <input type="text" name="user[username]" id="user_username">


<%= actions id: "my_actions", class: "user_form" do %>
  <%= submit_tag("Save") %>
<% end %>
<!-- generates: -->
<div class="actions user_form" id="my_actions">
  <input type="submit" value="Save" id="user_submit">


<%= div id: "some_div", class: "vague_class" do %>
  <%= link_to("Click here", "#") %>
<% end %>
<!-- generates: -->
<div id="some_div" class="vague_class">
  <a href="#">Click here</a>


HTML5 Reset Sheet

To include an HTML reset to your CSS, simply add the following to your application.css file:

*= require html5reset 

There's also a file named box_of_tricks.css.scss which comes with a bunch of CSS classes that I constantly rely on.

*= require box_of_tricks 