Develop stuff
> git clone [email protected]:brighterplanet/bp.git
> cd bp
> gem build bp.gemspec
> gem install ./
> echo "github username" > ~/.bprc
> echo "github password" >> ~/.bprc
bp help
lists all available commands.
bp emitter:create dirigible
will create a new emitter gem, called Dirigible, in ./dirigible
bp emitter:ls
will list all emitters. Usable with other unix commands (see xargs) for scripting git/gem tasks.
bp gem:ls
lists all BP non-emitter gems.
bp gem:set_owners GEM_NAME
will add the default set of owners (Andy, Seamus, Ian, Derek) to the gem on rubygems.org.
bp github:create_repo dirigible
will create a dirigible repo for the brighterplanet organization (tyvm).
bp github:configure_hooks dirigible
will set up default hooks (campfire, travis-ci) for the repo.
bp heroku:apps
lists all heroku-hosted apps.
bp heroku:hooks APP_NAME
sets up deploy hooks (campfire, email) for the specified app.
bp hootroot:server
runs the hootroot server (must in hootroot project directory) with all needed environment variables set for Hopstop, etc.
bp script:run FILE
runs a ruby script that has access to information (list of apps, etc.) contained in the BP gem.