
Modified version of samvera/hydra-derivatives to be backwards compatible with Fedora Commons 3.8.1.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bpl-derivatives'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bpl-derivatives


Currently there is no implementation of the ActiveTranscoder features. Also the Audio and Video derivatives have not been thoroughly tested either.

The main purpose of this was to make newer versions of hydra-derivatives backwards compatible with Fedora 3.8.1 datastreams. Rather than fork this from Samvera I determined that the BPL's use case was out of their current scope and instead implemented this version. Also be aware this has not been tested with ActiveFedora > 9

Given an ActiveFedora Model Like So

class MyObject < ActiveFedora::Base
  has_file_datastream 'masterFile' ..

You can now add the following

  class MyObject < ActiveFedora::Base
    include BPL::Derivatives
    def generate_derivatives
      case self.masterFile.mimeType
      when 'image/tif'
        derivatize runner: :jpeg2k_image, source_datastream: "masterFile", outputs: [ {recipe: :default, dsid:  'myJp2kDatastream'  } ]
        derivatize runner: :image, source_datastream: "masterFile", outputs: [
           { label: :thumb, size: "x800>", dsid: 'my800pxThumbDS', format: 'jpg' },
           { label: :thumb, size: "300x300>", dsid: 'my300pxThumbDS', format: 'jpg' }
      when 'application/pdf'
        derivatize runner: :image, source_datastream: "masterFile", outputs: [{label: :thumb, size: "300x300>", dsid: 'my300pxThumbDD', format: 'jpg', quality: 100, density: 200, layer: 0}] #Recommend passing in quality denisty and layer 0 for pdfs   


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/boston-library/bpl-derivatives.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.