
Bracket Graph Library.

It helps managing a graph for a single elimination bracket where each seat leads to a match that leads to a winner seat.

Single Elimination Bracket

About the Graph object

graph.root # => BracketGraph::Seat for the final match
graph.seats # => Array[BracketGraph::Seat] all nodes
graph.starting_seats # => Array[BracketGraph::Seat] all starting nodes
graph[12] # => BracketGraph::Seat with id/position 12
graph.seed(teams) # => seeds each item in the given array to a starting node
graph.seed(teams, shuffle: true) # => seeds teams after shuffle

About the Graph nodes

seat.from # Array[BracketGraph::Seat] source nodes. Empty array for a starting node # parent node. nil for the final node
seat.position # node position id
seat.payload # custom payload that can be also seeded via BracketGraph::Graph#seed

Double Elimination Bracket

About the Graph objects

graph.root # => BracketGraph::Seat for the final match
graph.winner_graph # => BracketGraph::Graph for the the winner bracket
graph.loser_graph # => BracketGraph::LoserGraph for the the loser bracket
graph[12] # => BracketGraph::Seat with id/position 12
graph.seed(teams) # => seeds each item in the given array to a starting node in the winner_graph
graph.seed(teams, shuffle: true) # => seeds teams after shuffle

Winner Graph object

graph.winner_root # => BracketGraph::Seat for the final match of the winner bracket
graph.winner_seats # => Array[BracketGraph::Seat] all nodes of the winner bracket
graph.winner_starting_seats # => Array[BracketGraph::Seat] all starting nodes of the winner bracket

Loser Graph object

graph.loser_root # => BracketGraph::Seat for the final match of the loser bracket
graph.loser_seats # => Array[BracketGraph::Seat] all nodes of the loser bracket
graph.loser_starting_seats # => Array[BracketGraph::Seat] all starting nodes of the loser bracket