Class: Brandish::Processors::HTML::Markup

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This class provides the html:markup processor.

Markup support for the HTML format. For more information, and available options, see the Common::Markup processor.

This markup processor provides the following engines:

  • :kramdown - A Markdown formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at Available options are: :template, :auto_ids (not recommended), :auto_id_stripping (not recommended), :auto_id_prefix (not recommended), :parse_block_html, :parse_span_html, :html_to_native, :link_defs, :footnote_nr, :enable_coderay, :coderay_wrap, :coderay_line_numbers, :coderay_line_number_start, :coderay_tab_width, :coderay_bold_every, :coderay_css, :coderay_default_lang, :entity_output, :toc_levels (not recommended), :line_width, :latex_headers (does nothing), :smart_quotes, :remove_block_html_tags, :remove_span_html_tags, :header_offset, :hard_wrap, :syntax_highlighter, :syntax_highlighter_opts, :math_engine, :math_engine_opts, :footnote_backlink, and :gfm_quirks. Requires the kramdown gem.
  • :rdiscount - A Markdown formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at The options for this engine are specified in an array, not a hash. Available options are: :smart, :filter_styles, :filter_html, :fold_lines, :footnotes, :generate_toc (not recommended), :no_image, :no_links, :no_tables, :strict, :autolink, :safelink, :no_pseudo_protocals, :no_superscript, and :no_strikethrough. Requires the rdiscount gem.
  • :minidown - A Markdown formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at Available options are: :code_block_handler.
  • :redcloth - A Textile formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at Available options are: :filter_html, :sanitize_html, :filter_styles, :filter_classes, :filter_ids, :hard_breaks (deprecated, default), :lite_mode, and :no_span_caps.
  • :redcarpet - A Markdown formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at This is the preferred format for Brandish due to its integration. The options that are valid for this formatter can be found on Markup::Redcarpet::Format.
  • :creole - A creole formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at Available options are: :allowed_schemes, :extensions, and :no_escape.
  • :sanitize - A sanitizer, to remove non-whitelisted elements. More information on this can be found at The option can be a symbol or a hash; the hash is passed directly to sanitize. The symbol is mapped to one of the corresponding default configs. Symbol values are: :restricted, :basic, :relaxed, and :basic.
  • :escape - Escapes the content to prevent conflict with the resulting format.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Brandish::Processor::Base


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Common::Markup

engine, engines, #process_text, #setup

Methods inherited from Brandish::Processor::Base

#accept, #call, #initialize, #postprocess, #process_block, #process_command, #process_root, #process_text, register, #setup

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Brandish::Processor::Base