Class: Brandish::Processors::Latex::Markup

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This class provides the latex:markup processor.

Markup support for the Latex format. For more information, and available options, see the Common::Markup processor.

This markup processor provides the following engines:

  • :kramdown - A Markdown formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at Available options are: :template, :auto_ids (not recommended), :auto_id_stripping (not recommended), :auto_id_prefix (not recommended), :parse_block_html, :parse_span_html, :html_to_native, :link_defs, :footnote_nr, :enable_coderay, :coderay_wrap, :coderay_line_numbers, :coderay_line_number_start, :coderay_tab_width, :coderay_bold_every, :coderay_css, :coderay_default_lang, :entity_output, :toc_levels (not recommended), :line_width, :latex_headers (does nothing), :smart_quotes, :remove_block_html_tags, :remove_span_html_tags, :header_offset, :hard_wrap, :syntax_highlighter, :syntax_highlighter_opts, :math_engine, :math_engine_opts, :footnote_backlink, and :gfm_quirks. Requires the kramdown gem.
  • :redcloth - A Textile formatter. More information on this markup format can be found at Available options are: :filter_html, :sanitize_html, :filter_styles, :filter_classes, :filter_ids, :hard_breaks (deprecated, default), :lite_mode, and :no_span_caps.
  • :escape - Escapes the content to prevent conflict with the resulting format.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Brandish::Processor::Base


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Common::Markup

engine, engines, #process_text, #setup

Methods inherited from Brandish::Processor::Base

#accept, #call, #initialize, #postprocess, #process_block, #process_command, #process_root, #process_text, register, #setup

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Brandish::Processor::Base