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This gem is an unofficial Ruby client that consumes the Bridge by Bankin’ API.

Thanks to a safe and automated access to bank data, Bridge powered by Bankin’ provides competitive and smart solutions to build conversion-driver financial services.

You'll find more information about Bridge API in the official documentations.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'bridge_bankin'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bridge_bankin



To begin using the API with this gem, you need to create an account to the dashboard on the Bridge website. Then you’ll have to create a new application and generate the required API credentials: a client_id and client_secret. You can find more information about this process by visiting the Bridge API Dashboard documentation.

Getting started

One you have your valid API credential you can now create an initializer in your app like this:

BridgeBankin.configure do |config|
  config.api_client_id = ENV["BRIDGE_API_CLIENT_ID"]
  config.api_client_secret = ENV["BRIDGE_API_CLIENT_SECRET"]
  config.follow_pages = true

Feel free to replace those environment variables by whatever values that work for you.

Some resources are public (banks and categories) meaning that only provided the client_id and client_secret are required. Here is an example on how you can use this gem to fetch the banks:

=> [#<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbb0727c620
        @form=[#<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbad702cf30 @isNum="0", @label="Email", @maxLength=nil, @type="USER">, #<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbad702c648 @isNum="0", @label="Password", @maxLength=nil, @type="PWD">],
        @logo_url="[email protected]",
        @name="N26 (Number 26) DE",
     @logo_url="[email protected]",
     @name="N26 (Number 26) DE">,

But the majority of the resources need a logged in user. Here is how to create one using the gem:

BridgeBankin::User.create(email: "[email protected]", password: "password123!")
=> #<BridgeBankin::User:0x00007fbb07c5e990 @email="[email protected]", @uuid="f974389d-1442-48bb-bb5e-ac62d1a96984">

Then you can generate an access_token for this user by using the Authorization class:

BridgeBankin::Authorization.generate_token(email: "[email protected]", password: "password123!")
=> #<BridgeBankin::Authorization:0x00007fbb07967f48 @access_token="58b0195d943f9a3e8433cda7dea48a70339eafc6-5fe7c375-873b-4b0d-bcff-4541c1e19488", @expires_at=2020-12-29 21:35:28.97 UTC>

Since the majority of endpoints are private, you’ll need to pass a valid access_token each time you request them. Here is how it works with the user we previously created:

BridgeBankin::Transaction.list(access_token: auth.access_token)
=> [#<BridgeBankin::Transaction:0x00007fbb0002d948
  @account=#<BridgeBankin::Account:0x00007fbb0002c250 @id=22271302>,
  @category=#<BridgeBankin::Category:0x00007fbb0002c520 @id=79>,
  @date=#<Date: 2021-01-02 ((2459217j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
  @description="Achat De Titres",
  @raw_description="ACHAT DE TITRES - 020121",
  @updated_at=2020-12-29 19:40:50.942 UTC>,
  @account=#<BridgeBankin::Account:0x00007fbb000229f8 @id=22271298>,
  @category=#<BridgeBankin::Category:0x00007fbb00022c50 @id=289>,
  @date=#<Date: 2021-01-02 ((2459217j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
  @raw_description="Economies - 020121",
  @updated_at=2020-12-29 19:40:49.564 UTC>,

If you need more information on how the API works or which parameters you can use for a specific query, we really encourage you to consult the great official guides.


Mandatory parameters

In some case you'll need to specify some parameters to complete your request. For instance, in order to retrieve a specific user, it requires you to pass the user's UUID:

BridgeBankin::User.find(uuid: "f974389d-1442-48bb-bb5e-ac62d1a96984")
=> #<BridgeBankin::User:0x00007fbb07febf90 @email="[email protected]", @uuid="f974389d-1442-48bb-bb5e-ac62d1a96984">

Note that in some case, the API uses basic sequential IDs instead of UUIDs. In that case just replace uuid key by id:

BridgeBankin::Bank.find(id: 457)
=> #<BridgeBankin::Bank:0x00007fbb07ec64d0
 @form=[#<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbb07ec5968 @isNum="0", @label="Email", @maxLength=nil, @type="USER">, #<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbb07ec54b8 @isNum="0", @label="Password", @maxLength=nil, @type="PWD">],
 @logo_url="[email protected]",
 @name="N26 (Number 26) DE",
Optional parameters

The gem resources also allows you to pass any optional parameters supported by the API (see Official Documentation). To do so, just pass them as named parameters in corresponding resource class method:

BridgeBankin::Bank.list(limit: 1)
=> [#<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbb07b4c228
        @form=[#<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbb07b271a8 @isNum="1", @label="Identifiant", @maxLength=nil, @type="USER">, #<BridgeBankin::BridgeObject:0x00007fbb07b26cd0 @isNum="0", @label="Mot de passe", @maxLength=nil, @type="PWD">],
        @name="Themis Banque",
     @name="Themis Banque">]>]


If you need more detailed informations regarding the gem source code you can find more in the official RubyDoc.


We're convinced this gem could be improved a lot or simply not cover every needs you have. That's why contributions of any kind is very encouraged. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.