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A Ruby wrapper for the Bitstamp Ticker API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'btc_ticker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install btc_ticker


require 'btc_ticker'

#Get current BTC ticker (Hash object) by currency pair (Only :btc_usd and :btc_eur pairs are supported)
ticker = BTCTicker::Bitstamp::Ticker.get_info(:btc_usd)

#Print a list of the keys
p ticker.keys #=> ["high", "last", "timestamp", "bid", "vwap", "volume", "low", "ask", "open"]

current_btc_usd_price = ticker["last"]

Bitstamp Ticker API response

Attribute Description
last Last BTC price.
high Last 24 hours price high.
low Last 24 hours price low.
vwap Last 24 hours volume weighted average price.
volume Last 24 hours volume.
bid Highest buy order.
ask Lowest sell order.
timestamp Unix timestamp date and time.
open First price of the day.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.