

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bugno-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


$ rails g bugno [API-KEY]


To setup additional configuration navigate to config/initializers/bugno.rb in your app directory

Send in background with threading:

Send exceptions asynchronous

config.send_in_background = true

Send rails exceptions

Change following line to skip rails exceptions:

config.exclude_rails_exceptions = false

Specify rails exceptions to suppress

Suppress only exceptions you wish to (e.g. ActionController::RoutingError), make sure config.exclude_rails_exceptions = true specified:

config.excluded_exceptions = ['ActionController::RoutingError']

Specify or add usage environments:

config.usage_environments = %w[production]
config.usage_environments << 'development'

Specify current user method:

Allows you to send user related data

config.current_user_method = 'current_user'

Leave it blank to prevent

Add scrub fields and headers:

Filters sensetive params(e.g. passwords, tokens, credit cards)

config.scrub_fields << 'password'
config.scrub_headers << 'access_token'
Defaults fields:
passwd password password_confirmation secret confirm_password password_confirmation secret_token api_key access_token session_id
Defaults header:


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.