
Ruby wrapper for the Bullhorn REST API. For additional information on the API itself, see the official Bullhorn documentation.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bullhorn-rest'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bullhorn-rest


require 'bullhorn/rest'

client = Bullhorn::Rest::Client.new(username: '<USERNAME>', password: '<PASSWORD>', client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>', client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>')

# Returns all candidates

# Returns all candidates belonging to the current user

# Returns all candidates belonging to the user's department

# Get data for a particular candidate

# Update a candidate
client.update_candidate(id, attributes)

# Create a candidate

# Delete a candidate

# Query for candidates
client.query_candidates(where: "email = '[email protected]'")

The above api methods generalize to all entities in the system. E.g. for the JobOrder entity simple replace occurences of candidate with job_order in all of the above methods.


The following entities are exposed via the API:

  • appointment
  • appointment_attendee
  • business_sector
  • candidate
  • candidate_certification
  • candidate_education
  • candidate_reference
  • candidate_work_history
  • category
  • client_contact
  • client_corporation
  • corporate_user
  • corporation_department
  • country
  • custom_action
  • job_order
  • job_submission
  • note
  • note_entity
  • placement
  • placement_change_request
  • placement_commission
  • sendout
  • skill
  • specialty
  • state
  • task
  • tearsheet
  • tearsheet_recipient
  • time_unit

User Entities

Additionally, the following entities have user_<entity> and department_<entity> methods available:

  • candidate
  • client_contact
  • client_corporation
  • job_order
  • note
  • placement

Immutable Entities

The following entities are immutable and do not have any of the update/create/delete methods available:

  • category
  • corporate_user
  • country
  • skill
  • specialty
  • state
  • time_unit


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com//bullhorn-rest/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request