Bundle Try

Open a REPL with the gems you want to try.
Quick weekend-hack inspired by lein-try.


gem install bundle-try


By default bundle try some_gem will start a Ruby REPL.
To open a shell (i.e. to use gem executables) do: bundle try --shell some_gem.

Some examples:

$ bundle try redis
... some bundling ...
irb(main):001:0> Redis
=> Redis

Multiple gems:

$ bundle try redis rake

Specific version:

$ bundle try redis '3.1.0'

...or any requirement that would be understood by bundler:

$ bundle try redis '~> 3.1.0'

Combined with gems that don't need a specific version:

$ bundle try redis '~> 3.1.0' rake gem_with_version '1.0'

Github repository:

$ bundle try https://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel # or the clone-url with .git

...or via the short notation:

$ bundle try gh:jeremyevans/sequel

Specific Github version:

$ bundle try gh:jeremyevans/sequel 4.21.0

Prepend the gem-name when it can't be derived from the url:

$ bundle try redis@gh:redis/redis-rb

Gem in a gist (see the gist as an example of a minimum viable gem):

$ bundle try rot13@https://gist.github.com/eval/66f7bfaf17d364ddd232

Nothing will be written to the current directory, so it's save to run from an existing project-folder. But if you need the Gemfile:

$ bundle try rake > Gemfile

Feeling lucky?

# Gemception
$ bundle try bundle-try


Run the features:

$ bundle exec cucumber

Is it any good?

Glad you ask! Yes, it's 'Cloons Approved'. This, as my Ruby-friend Elizabeth learned me, means that if this gem would've had a slightly bigger budget, there would be a nice Nespresso-like commercial with George himself vowing for this software.


Thanks to Odaeus for the image.