0.9.0 / 2021-08-31


  • Added the --config option. (pull #306)
  • Added the junit output format (ex: --format junit). (pull #314)
  • Add missing output for CVSSv3 criticality information. (pull #302)
    • Include criticality information in the JSON output as well. (pull #310)
  • bundle-audit stats now prints the commit ID of the ruby-advisory-db.
  • Fixed a deprecation warning from Thor. (issue #317)

Rake Task

  • Add the bundle:audit:update task for updating the ruby-advisory-db. (pull #296)
  • Aliased bundle:audit to bundle:audit:check.
  • Aliased bundler:audit:* to bundle:audit:*.
  • Rake tasks now execute bundle-audit command as a subprocess to ensure isolation.

0.8.0 / 2021-03-10


  • Require thor ~> 1.0.
  • Added bundler-audit stats.
  • Added bundler-audit download.
  • bundler-audit check:
    • Now accepts a optional DIR argument for the project directory.
    • bundler-audit check will now print an explicit error message and exit, if the given DIR does not exist.
    • Will now auto-download ruby-advisory-db to ensure the latest advisory information is used on first run.
    • Now supports a --database option for specifying a path to an alternative ruby-advisory-db copy.
    • Now supports a --gemfile-lock option for specifying a custom Gemfile.lock file within the project directory.
    • Now supports a --format option for specifying the desired format. text and json are supported, but other custom formats can be loaded. See Bundler::Audit::CLI::Formats.
    • Now supports a --output option for writing the report output to a file.
    • Prints both CVE and GHSA IDs.
  • Print all error messages to stderr.
  • No longer print number of advisories in bundler-audit version. / 2020-06-12

  • Forgot to populate data/ruby-advisory-db.

0.7.0 / 2020-06-12

0.6.1 / 2019-01-17

  • Require bundler >= 1.2.0, < 3 to support bundler 2.0.

0.6.0 / 2017-07-18

  • Added --quiet option to check and update commands (@jaredbeck).
  • Added bin/bundler-audit which will be executed when bundle audit is ran (@vassilevsky).

0.5.0 / 2016-02-28


  • Added the --update option to bundler-audit check.
  • bundler-audit update now returns a non-zero exit status on error.
  • bundler-audit update only updates ~/.local/share/ruby-advisory-db, if it is a git repository.

0.4.0 / 2015-06-30

  • Require ruby >= 1.9.3 due to i18n gem deprecating < 1.9.3.
  • Added Bundler::Audit::Advisory#osvdb.
  • Resolve the IP addresses of gem sources and ignore intranet gem sources. (PR #90)
  • Use ISO8601 date format when querying the git timestamp of ruby-advisory-db. (PR #92)


  • Print the CVE or OSVDB id.
  • No longer print "Unpatched versions found!" when an insecure gem source is detected. (PR #84)

0.3.1 / 2014-04-20

  • Added thor ~> 0.18 as a dependency.
  • No longer rely on the vendored version of thor within bundler.
  • Store the timestamp of when data/ruby-advisory-db was last updated in data/ruby-advisory-db.ts.
  • Use data/ruby-advisory-db.ts instead of the creation time of the dataruby-advisory-db directory, which is always the install time of the rubygem.

0.3.0 / 2013-10-31


  • Added the bundler-audit update sub-command.

0.2.0 / 2013-03-05

0.1.2 / 2013-02-17


  • Simply parse the Gemfile.lock instead of loading the bundle (@grosser).
  • Exit with non-zero status on failure (@grosser).

0.1.1 / 2013-02-12

  • Fixed a Ruby 1.8 syntax error.



  • If the advisory has no patched_versions, recommend removing or disabling the gem until a patch is made available.

0.1.0 / 2013-02-11

  • Initial release:
    • Checks for vulnerable versions of gems in Gemfile.lock.
    • Prints advisory information.
    • Does not require a network connection.
