Currently, this only works with my fork. Hopefully, the maintainers of the main repo will pull in my changes.

CampfireBot::AbsenteeCamper Build Status

This is a plugin for use with campfire-bot. It will monitor a Campfire room for @mentions, and notify the mentioned users using one of the built-in notifiers (email by default) if they aren’t present in the room. Multiple users can be mentioned in one Campfire message, and each user will receive one notification. The notification will contain the message that was triggered by the @mention.


  1. First, make sure you install the campfire-bot gem.
  2. gem install campfire-bot-absentee-camper
  3. Create Gemfile with the following lines: gem ‘campfire-bot’ gem ‘campfire-bot-absentee-camper’
  4. Create your absentee-camper-config.yml file (see below).
  5. Register the plugin to your main config.yml file
  6. bundle exec bot <environment>, where <environment> is the matching environment from the config file.


Here is a sample config file:

    # NOTE: The colons before these options are very important.
    #       Pony requires that the keys be symbols and not strings.
    :from: Absentee Camper <[email protected]>
    :subject: "[Campfire] People are talking about you!"
    :via: :smtp
      :port: 587
      :enable_starttls_auto: true
      :authentication: plain
      :user_name: your-user-name
      :password: secret
    # User with custom (and possibly multiple) notifiers
      id: 1234567
        Prowl: your-prowl-api-key
    # Default email notifier
    john: 987654
  • production - This is the environment for which the settins apply. You can specify multiple environments (e.g. development, test, etc).
  • pony_options - The configuration options for Pony
  • users - Each user line consists of the name of the mention name and that user’s corresponding 37Signals Campfire user ID. One way to get this user ID is to log into Campfire as a user that has admin privileges, click on the Users tab, and then hover over the change link of the user for which you want to find the user ID and take note of the number in the path (e.g. For example, if you have a user named John Smith with a user ID of 12345, and you want to be able to mention them as @john, the users line in the config file would be john: 12345.
  • notification_methods - Alternate notification methods. Currently, the only notification method other than the default (email) is Prowl.


  • More specs!
  • Provide context in the notification. For example, in a Campfire session there are two users: John and Steve. Another user, Chad is not present in the room:

      John Smith: Hey Steve.  I am having a problem with the build.
      Steve Stallion: Hey John.  I don't know anything about that.  You
      should ask @chad.  That's his department.
      John Smith: Oh, I thought you were the one that handled that.  OK,
      I will wait for Chad's response.

    Currently, the email notification that Absentee Camper sends out will only contain the second message, which doesn’t have any context about what was being discussed. It would be nice to set some configuration variables that indicated you wanted to include context in the notification message, and how many lines on either side to include.


You have two options:

  • run bundle exec rake
  • run bundle exec guard for continuous feedback


Do the usual fork -> change -> pull request dance.