
This gem is meant to provide an easy-to-use ruby client wrapping the Canvas Hosted Data API.

It calculates and attaches HMAC signatures for each request, and returns the parsed JSON response.


The client can be initialized as such:

client =, api_secret)

As much as possible, the methods available in the client match those given in the API docs

List of methods:

client.latest_files # GET /api/account/(:accountId|self)/file/latest
client.dumps # GET /api/account/(:accountId|self)/dump
client.dump('b349ad95-4839-48f3-b763-ec555fc2f42f') # GET /api/account/(:accountId|self)/file/byDump/:dumpId
client.tables('course_dim') # GET /api/account/(:accountId|self)/file/byTable/:tableName
client.schemas # GET /api/schema
client.latest_schema # GET /api/schema/latest
client.schema('1.0.0') # GET /api/schema/:version

# Downloads a table file from the specified dump (or all files for a table should the dump have multiple)
# and writes them to a single CSV file.  This also includes a CSV header row of the column names
# pulled from the schema definition
client.download_to_csv_file(dump_id: 'b349ad95-4839-48f3-b763-ec555fc2f42f', table: 'requests', path: '/path/to/output_file.csv')

# Same as #download_to_csv_file, but uses the latest dump available
client.download_latest_to_csv_file(table: 'requests', path: '/path/to/output_file.csv')


Originally from a partners GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.