Capistrano Honeybadger Sourcemaps

Uploads sourcemaps for your application as a part of the Capistrano deploy process. See the Honeybadger docs for more information on source map support in Honeybadger.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-honeybadger-sourcemaps'

And then execute:

$ bundle


In your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/honeybadger/sourcemaps'

The task will run after deploy:set_current_revision by default

Configurable options


# For generating the minified_url that is passed to honeybadger on upload
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_minified_url_base, ''

# Directory that will be searched for source maps to upload
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_target_dir, './cache/my_app'


# honeybadger api key. Defaults to the honeybadger_api_key used by the honeybadger gem
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_api_key, -> { fetch :honeybadger_api_key }

# Version of the sourcemaps for honeybadger. Uses the current_revision by default
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_version, -> { fetch :current_revision }

# Glob pattern used to search for sourcemaps in the target_dir
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_glob_pattern, File.join('**', '*')

# Gsub pattern used to convert a sourcemap file to the associated JS file
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_gsub_pattern, /\.map\Z/

# Role under which sourcemaps should be uploaded
set :honeybadger_sourcemaps_role, :sourcemaps