Capistrano SDB

Allows you to use Amazon Simple DB as a repository for any capistrano config keys.


In your Capfile, add: require ‘capistrano/sdb’


  • right_aws


In your deploy.rb, you must set:

set :aws_access_key_id, '<your access key>'
set :aws_secret_access_key, '<your secret>'

The SDB plugin works in two precedence modes; :local, and :remote


You can set precedence modes using a directive in your deploy.rb: e.g. set :sdb_precedence, :remote or from the command line, e.g. cap SDB_PRECEDENCE=remote deploy

LOCAL (default)

It is assumed that anything stored in the local file(s) overrides SDB configuration.

In this mode, calls to SDB are made only when keys are not found locally, so you will not see any difference for keys that are found.

In this mode, you can slowly remove almost all config from your local filesystem, and move it to SDB - thereby keeping your local files quite clean.


Here we assume that any overrides are stored in SDB, and local files are used as a backup.

The downside of this mode is that any task will first require a download of your configuration


  • sdb_domain : override the default sdb domain of “#application_cap_config”