
A Capistrano gem to isolate secret information.

When developing, it is imperative to keep secret information (server names, login, passwords,...) out of source control. This usually leads to cumbersome and risky setups, especially when combined with a deployment tool (like Capistrano).

This tiny gem provides methods to easily do the right thing: conveniently tuck all secrets in a JSON file in a dedicated folder, and easily the information from the rest of the Capistrano tasks.

Quick start

In a shell:

gem install capistrano-secret
echo "require 'capistrano/secret'" >> Capfile
mkdir config/secret
echo "config/secret" >> .gitignore
echo '{"secret":{"of": {"life": 42}}}' > config/secret/production.json
echo '{"secret":{"of": {"life": "partying like crazy"}}}' > config/secret/staging.json

Then in any Capistrano task:

puts "I know the secret, it is #{secret('')}";


Capistrano::Secret advantages:

  • All secret information in one unique place: no duplication, easy to keep out of repository.
  • Files contain only secret: no mixing with other, non-sensitive information (like configuration directives).
  • Standard JSON syntax.
  • Each stages has its own set of secrets.
  • Method name makes it explicit to developer this is sensitive information (it's called secret()!).

It really shines when used in conjunction with a templating library like capistrano-template, to generate configuration files at deployment. Check it out!


All dependencies are listed in the .gemspec file so if using bundler you just need to bundle install in your project directory.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-template'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-template


Include gem in your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/secret'

Create directory where secret information will be stored. Default is config/secret, to use a different one define secret_dir in deploy.rb:

set :secret_dir, 'new/secret/dir'

Ensure the directory stays out of repository (for git, add it to .gitignore):

echo 'config/secret' >> .gitignore

Then in the directory, create one JSON file per stage (same name as the stage):

touch config/secret/production.json

In the files, define keys as needed, using JSON syntax. For example:

    "db" : {
        "user" : "user_db",
        "password" : "srwhntseithenrsnrsnire",
        "host" : "",
        "name" : "yourDB"
    "mail" : {
        "mode" : "smtp",
        "user" : "[email protected]",
        "password" : "rastenhrtrethernhtr",
        "host" : "ssl://",

Then in your Capistrano tasks you can access any value using secret(''). The call is safe and will just return nil if all or part of the path leads nowhere. So you can test the return value of any part of the path to see if an option is present - for example:

if secret('mail') then
    # do something with mail info, like send a msg after deploy


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request