This content is specific to deployments using Docker Swarm; if you haven't yet reviewed, you should probably start there.


This deploy strategy copies a docker-compose.yml file to the docker swarms you specify, and then runs docker stack up across the whole lot.

Deploying to a single swarm member should be enough to deploy across the entire swarm, so choosing one deploy host per swarm is probably the best course of action.


This plugin adds the docker_swarm role, identifying hosts where the docker_compose_file should be copied and ran.

If the docker_build role is defined, it will identify the source of the docker_compose_file, otherwise the current project directory is the source.

# using server syntax
server '', roles: %w{docker_swarm}

# or using role syntax
role :docker_swarm,  %w{}

Configurable options:

set :docker_stack_name -> { fetch(:application) }                # (required) name of the docker swarm stack
set :docker_compose_file, 'docker-compose.yml'                   # name of compose file to use for stack deploys
set :docker_swarm_docker_cmd -> { fetch(:docker_cmd, 'docker') } # name/path to `docker-compose` command on docker_swarm hosts
set :docker_stack_deploy_opts, '--prune'                         # args for `docker stack deploy` command; this is the default
set :docker_compose_path -> { deploy_path }                      # path on remote hosts for docker_compose_file deployments

set :dockerswarm_deployhook, true                                # set false to skip default deploy hook; default is true