
Capitan is a Ruby plugin built to serve as a connector to through its API. cAPI provides read-only access to show listings and details, as well a as a monthly calendar feed. All responses are returned as JSON. Capitan handles the connection to cAPI, and serializes all JSON responses for use in your site.

An API key is required. To receive one, contact us at [email protected]

Once received, the API key must be placed in your config.yml file as:


api_key: API_KEY


Capitan divides shows into three types:

  • Productions (Shows with that are ticketed.)

  • Non-Ticketed Events (Shows that are not ticketed.)

  • Exhibitions (Installations and galleries that are open long-term.)

Each of these show types can be searched through the Show object, and a type can be passed to restrict what’s returned. Available types: (“all”, “productions”, “events”, “exhibitions”)

Shows can also be searched based on a variety of criteria.

Search parameters: min_date max_date product_line genre title venue description organization_id


For all shows: shows = Capitan::Shows.all()

For all Non-Ticketed Events: shows = Capitan::Shows.all(‘events’)

For all Productions Before December 31, 2013 in the Jazz genre:

shows = Capitan::Shows.find('productions', {max_date="12/31/2013", genre="Jazz"})


Events returned as a structured calendar can also be returned.


month =, month)

Copyright © 2012 The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, released under the MIT license